I don't know what to pray for......

Last summer, on a Sunday, I was coming home at about 4pm. The temperature was about 100 F degrees. I was coming down the alley behind my  house when I noticed that there was a police car parked there, behind my house.
                    As I got there I squeezed passed him to get into my parking when I saw the policeman and a group of people in a tight gathering in my neighbor’s  yard  across the alley from me. I came out to the alley curious, of course, to see what was happening when one lady came out to the alley to tell me that she had called the police because she had found a kitten with the head stuck inside a Campbell soup can and as she tried to pry it off the kitten, he was scratching her terribly, so she called the police.
                   Apparently, that had been going on for a bit of time and no one could budge the can off, so the policeman called the humane society to come and do something. Shortly after, not even 10 minutes, there came a woman from the humane society, in her humane society uniform, well, animal control uniform, and she went into the yard with a cage in hand.  

To continue reading     http://theoutlawedgod.wordpress.com/2012/09/05/i-dont-know-what-to-pray-for/


  1. Excellent observation. The helpless kitten which I am so glad someone came to help the innocent little kitten who is God's creature. However like you said--death and destruction right across the street and everyone is blinded to that. Lord Jesus have mercy on us.

  2. Yesterday, as I was going by, a girl was sitting on a parking stump smoking, all it occurred to me to tell her was "The world gets darker with the death of your baby..."
    after a couple of profanities, she said: "I'm not in the mood...." got up and went back in as a 5-6 yr old child was coming out to get her..... Lord, Jesus, have mercy of us!!!!!


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