Just on loan from the little King

jesus-boy-with-globe-1493.jpg!LargeIt's easy to forget that life is a gift. I am reminded of this now while I'm carrying my fifth child. Many days I am nervous about my child, his health, his future life. Anxiety pairs up with a tense grip around what is mine. Both responsibility and desires for everything to turn out just right become preoccupying... Yet, we only have life on loan--our own life as well as the lives of those given to us. It's not easy to accept but still necessary. We are not in control of our own life or others. Still, we are truly given the life of others as well as our own life. Particularly children are given to us as gifts. The same goes for our spouses; they also are gifts entrusted to us directly from God. The sacrament of marriage confirms both the gift of our spouse and the gifts of our children. So, how does one hand life back to God? It isn't, or shouldn't be, a throwing back of a gift in God's face. Once He entrusts them to us, He obviously expects something of us, as caretakers of His gifts.
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