Soul Sister: St. Therese of Lisieux.wmv

   The above  video link  contains rarely seen Art  done by the sister of Saint Therese of Lisieux,Celine Martin. The Art depicts Saint Therese and other family members.This also contains some photographs taken by Celine. Also, in this video are scenes of the Carmel of Lisieux in France.This is where Saint Therese resided as a Carmelite nun.The crown of roses depicted in this video were worn by the saint on her death bed.

   I wrote the song entitled," Soul Sister" for Saint Therese. She stated that after her death she would send a shower of roses to the earth. This song is employing the Communion of the Saints which is asking the saint for her intercession in heaven. Catholics do not worship saints. We do believe they can help us from heaven if God so wills it. And, this song is an intercessory prayer that is sung


  1. Thank you for sharing your song and for the link, wonderful combined with the photographs! We recently visited the Basilica for St Therese at Lisieux, a moving experience. We then found a charming postcard of the stunning crypt and learnt about the 'small way'. Easy to understand why this simple concept moves millions. Some Pics and a short piece about her life here.


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