Sunshine Sunday

When Jesus saw that Lazarus had already passed away and saw how deeply it hurt some of his closest friends, he was perturbed. The definition of perturbed is "anxious or unsettled, upset." Jesus was anxious and unsettled? I don't know why but it made me feel better that even the Son of God felt this way from time to time. I mean after all, he was true God, but ALSO true man, right?
I often feel unsettled. (That tends to happen when you live with your in-laws for a looooong time!) But unlike Jesus, I often let that feeling fester. Jesus didn't.
So I guess it's comes down to what I do with that feeling, whether I use it to grow closer to God and build up my relationship with others, or whether I use my moods to tear others around me down, and inevitably tear myself down in the process.
Just a small thought in between cheerios spilling all over the pews and kneelers being loudly knocked down during the prayers of intention...
Hope you had a restful and relaxing Sunday. :)
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