Helping Your Child Calm Down

If you’ve been a parent for longer than a week, you already know that helping your child calm down is a regular part of parenting. Getting upset is a normal way for your child to express themselves, when there’s something they need or want that they don’t know how to get on their own.
When you’re child is a baby, helping them calm down is, comparatively, easy. It’s predictable. There are a limited number of things that could be upsetting your baby. They’re hungry, they’re tired, they want to be held, they have a dirty diaper, or they’re annoyed by the environment – light, noise, etc. Respond to the items on that list – feed them, put them to bed, hold them, change their diaper, or move them from one room to another, and, chances are, your child has calmed down.
But when you’re child gets a little older, thinks aren’t as straightforward anymore. There could be a plethora of causes for their emotions, and chances are, there’s no one cause at all, but a complicated mix. You can’t simply put your finger on the cause and do away with it for your child. Instead, you have to work with your child to identify what’s upsetting them, and to help them learn how to calm themselves down.
For 10 ways to help your child learn how to calm down, head over to Eyes On Heaven.


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