What would you do for Love?

      19 yrs ago I learned most profoundly the meaning of this statement, when my son was 11 and a boy, not even his close friend, told me he would do sacrifices for my son’s vocation. He never noticed, but those words hit me like I had heard the voice of God, that moment. Those words shat thru me, changing me into someone I had never been before. Since then, that statement  lights my life at every level, not like a lighthouse in the fog, not like headlights of my car in the rain, not like a candle during prayers, but like the sun, brilliantly detailing the intricacy of how love rules every moment, every thought, every step, every temptation to not.

               next   http://theoutlawedgod.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/what-would-you-do-for-love/


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