Mental prayer for adolescents

I have written several times about guided meditations I do with my young boys. Now I am working with my oldest, who is in 7th grade, to help him take the next step in mental prayer. He is a choleric, and I hope to write in more detail about this method in my upcoming book A Spiritual Growth Plan for Your Choleric Child. I plan to make a template for children to fill out as they practice.

Here is the method I am planning to use for my eldest now. I will show you an example along with the method.

1. Read a small section of the Gospels.

First, choose one of the four Gospels to pray through from beginning to end. Then choose a passage of 10 to 20 verses. For this example, we’re using Mark 1:1-11, last Sunday’s Gospel. Read it silently and slowly.

2. Use your senses.

Record the sights, sounds, smells, etc. you would encounter if you were present when this story took place. Brainstorm as many as you can think of. Here are a few for our example:
  • John’s camel hair clothing
  • the sound of running water
  • crowd noise
Continue reading at Contemplative Homeschool.


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