And With A Loud Cry the Unclean Spirit Came Out

Wavy Light
What did the cry look like?

I always wondered what that cry sounded like? How amazing and how frightening it must have been for those around the man to witness. The scream of the demon always had an actual physical presence for me as well. I could see the scream.

And it was horrifying.

The Bible is amazing in the details it gives and in the details it omits. In this passage, as in many others, we see Jesus commanding an unclean spirit to leave, but we don't know many details about the man or about what made the spirit unclean. Volumes could probably have been written about this man and his life, his trials and the trials he put others through, but we are just not privy to that information.
When I was younger, I always assumed the man was your typical "crazy" man. I pictured him calling out to Jesus that day, but also talking to himself, dancing foolishly, acting strangely. I pictured him unable to hold down a job or keep a girlfriend or support a family. He was the man you'd steer your children away from on the street, the man you would not make eye contact with, the man you feared while pretending he did not exist.
I pictured him as a lonely man, but one others had to stay away from for their own safety and sanity.
The unclean spirit, I just pictured as evil, and I tried not to dwell on it.

To continue reading about the cries you emit and what your cry may look like, please join me at Single Mom Smiling. Thank you and, as always, God Bless...


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