Is it really all in the details? Wisdom from the story of St. Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes
How we live our interior spiritual lives matters a great deal, right down to the last detail.

I have taken on as my Lenten journey the study of St. Bernadette Soubirious. This journey was inspired by a Facebook post back on February 11 by Father James Martin, SJ. In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes he recommended the viewing of "The Song of Bernadette," a critically acclaimed 1943 movie starring Jennifer Jones. He wrote, "The film, based on the book by Franz Werfel actually corresponds very closely to the real-life story of St. Bernadette Soubirous, with only a few exceptions." ...
I am reading Werfel's book along with a book by Abbé Francis Trochu:

My desire is to get into the interior life of this saint. Bernadette's life was one of fidelity to those small details that make one a saint.
Click here to read a wonderful example of her way of holiness--what does this example inspire you to do?.

I have taken on as my Lenten journey the study of St. Bernadette Soubirious. This journey was inspired by a Facebook post back on February 11 by Father James Martin, SJ. In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes he recommended the viewing of "The Song of Bernadette," a critically acclaimed 1943 movie starring Jennifer Jones. He wrote, "The film, based on the book by Franz Werfel actually corresponds very closely to the real-life story of St. Bernadette Soubirous, with only a few exceptions." ...
I am reading Werfel's book along with a book by Abbé Francis Trochu:

My desire is to get into the interior life of this saint. Bernadette's life was one of fidelity to those small details that make one a saint.
Click here to read a wonderful example of her way of holiness--what does this example inspire you to do?.
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