The Memorare
This popular prayer, a favorite of many Catholics, dates back to the 15th century and takes its name from the first Latin word of the prayer, "memorare," which means "remember." The Memorare is of unknown authorship, although it has been attributed to St. Augustine (354-430), St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407) and, with more reason, to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (c. 1090-1153). St. Bernard's sermons on Mary were famous, and it was his Cistercian monks in the monastery of Citeaux in the 12th century who popularized the name "Our Lady" for Mary. The Memorare has also been attributed to the French cleric Claude Bernard (1588-1641), known as the "poor priest" of Paris, whose homilies contain passages that echo its words. No matter who wrote this prayer, it was Father Bernard who did much to popularize it, teaching it in hospitals and prisons, where Mary's intercession was effective in working miracles of grace. The first manuscript of the Mem
Marriage is for life. Divorce serves no useful purpose but satisfying the selfish desires of one spouse. Specious annulments hurt the innocent, no less so than does divorce,mainly because numerous Canon Laws concerning the Separation and Reconciliation of spouses are ignored by Tribunals. These pretty much are my opinions after 5 years of an unwanted and unsolicited divorce and annulment. You can read more over at my blog, if you wish...