Keep Calling Out Again and Again...

Keep Calling Out - Gospel Blind Man Cane - Single Mom Smiling

It's funny, not in a laugh out loud sort of way, but in a funny, sweet, melt your heart kind of way. I've always been the parent my kids went to when something was wrong.

When they didn't feel well, they wanted to cuddle with Mom. When something bad happened at school they came home to milk and cookies with Mom (True at least when they were little! I miss those days!) When Firefighter and Jerry Rice, our guinea pigs, died (now that's a story!), it was Mom who provided comfort.

But it's also Mom they go to when something bad happens, even when bad isn't so bad but they just don't feel like dealing with it, like when they are carrying groceries in from the car and drop a bag of flour leaving a mess you can only imagine! Or when the toilet clogs and there's no one but the clogger and Mom. Or in a multitude of other ways. My boys know they just have to call, and I'll be there - eventually.

To read the rest of the Gospel Reflection for the Divorced (& Others too!) please go to

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