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Imagine it’s Sunday. As Mass begins, all sorts of people pour into the church. From the beginning of time, God knew this particular group of people would gather to worship: restless toddlers, sweet ladies with rosary beads, well-dressed grandpas, poorly dressed loners, families, doubters, maybe some saints and lots of sinners. People who are friendly, rude, self-righteous, mentally ill, grieving, grateful or lost are gathering under one roof. God created each with love, in his own image.
Where are you on Sundays?
If you have young children, maybe you sit in the back for quick exits and potty breaks. Maybe you favor the cry room, because your parish has one of the “good” ones that doesn’t make you feel like the whole family is in “timeout.”
Please come on over to Praying with Grace to read the rest of this article about families' role in the Sunday Mass. Join in the conversation!
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