Mami, Mami, Cuando Rezas

Celebra las simples alegrías de la vida de familiar! Una madre comparte con sus hijos la alegría y agradecimiento que ofrece a Dios a través de sus oraciones, enseñándoles que son bendiciones, por solo ser quien Dios hizo que fueran.
I am so excited to share with you the Spanish version of Mommy, Mommy, When You Pray! It still amazes me to see my little creation printed in English, let alone another language!
I decided to take the time in this post to introduce you to an amazing woman; Erika Garcia, who translated the Spanish version. Her story is compelling, and bears sharing. She is a guiding light, and I am thankful to call her a friend, as well as to have worked with her on this project. I hope my words do her honor!
Erika’s parents were born and raised in Bolivia. Her father was a Christian brother in Bolivia for several years before becoming a US citizen and joining the army. He was injured in the Vietnam war and received a purple heart. Erika’s mom was one of 11 children, and she prayed for a sign to know the one God wanted her to marry. This special man would give her red roses. Although she went on quite a few dates, she never received red roses…until Erika’s dad!
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