Abandonment, Divorce, & Your Role as the Prodigal Son

Abandonment, Divorce, Prodigal Son being carried by father on a beach
It's easy to point fingers in abandonment and divorce, harder to see how the victim of divorce factors into things, and yet, we need to do so if we are going to move on. It is especially important if we are going to find healing and possibly open ourselves to another relationship. Using the characters in Jesus' Parable of the Prodigal Son gives us one way to do so.

In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, two sons take very different paths. 

It's easy to identify the runaway spouse as the runaway son in the parable, and I'll get to that later this week, but it's also important to see how we could be each character in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. This week join me in looking at the three main characters in this parable to see how they reflect the abandoned and divorced.

The Abandoned & Divorced as The Prodigal Son

Would you ever tell someone you wished he was dead? Would you ever approach a parent and demand gifts he or she had in store for your future be given immediately?

Of course not.

Thank you for coming with me this far. To continue reading, please join me at SingleMomSmiling.com.
God Bless...


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