The Sacrament of Reconciliation

When I was a kid, I stole a lollipop from the corner grocery store. It was a long time ago. That was when you knew the people who owned that little store on the corner, and they knew your parents. I snuck the candy out of the store in my pocket and I ran home, very happily, after I had eaten the lollipop. I didn’t know it, but a phone call had already been made to my home. I didn’t know that my lips were bright red from the candy I had eaten. When I walked home, I felt really good because of my sugar high. My grandmother was in the kitchen. She looked at me and shook her head. I knew I had been caught. “I’m so sorry,” I said. “I took the candy, and I didn’t pay for it.” I blurted the words out before I knew what I was saying. 

Read more at Prayerfully Yours


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