Your Ex is a Leper & Unworthy of God's Forgiveness

"You'll never guess what he did now..." I grabbed my best friend, my confidant, and bit into the story. I should have brought my complaints solely to God, but I felt I needed someone human to empty the latest episode with my ex on. I don't believe in telling everyone the all the gory, ongoing details, but sometimes I need to unload on someone. She listened and then went into what her ex had done too. Both of us shaking our heads in disbelief as we heard each others' stories.

For me, the intense agony of abandonment and betrayal has long been gone. Feelings of romantic love or longing for a reunion as well as fear of not being good enough or pain of worthlessness were long ago replaced by nothing more than amazement that I had ever loved a man capable of doing what my ex does and disbelief that I had ever found him the least bit attractive. I tend to look at him as a leper of society, one worthy of being shunned, and I think, "If people only knew..."

My husband's leaving was very public, and people came out of the woodwork to let me know what they thought. Men said he needed to be taken behind the woodshed and taught a lesson. Female friends were at a loss, often tearing up with their own powerlessness and the idea that any husband could walk out on a pregnant wife and five small children.

Many said what my ex had done was unforgivable. They said he should rot in hell. I was in a strange place. I appreciated and even needed their support but did not want this man I'd loved to rot in hell. It was something I'd wish on no one, not even one who had hurt my boys and me so intensely and intentionally.

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