Hello! An introduction

Hello all! I'm delighted to be a new member of the ACWB, and wanted to introduce myself! I'm Kate and I write about naming (baby and otherwise) from a Catholic perspective at my blog Sancta Nomina. Expectant parents, Confirmation candidates, clergy and religious, and namiacs of all kinds are very welcome!

I post a name consultation every Monday; birth announcements as I receive them; articles at CatholicMom monthly and Nameberry occasionally; and various other bits of information and resources and recommendations for those who love the names of our faith as I do. I love to connect on social media as well -- all that information and anything else you'd like to know can be found here. Thank you for welcoming me!


  1. Welcome Kate. Look forwards to your postings.

    God bless.

  2. 'What he said.' My chief contact with ACWB is through a Google Plus community, Catholic Blogs (https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108838314443260572675) --- but touch base here about twice a week.

    It's good to (virtually) see a new face here.


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