Infertility, Healing and the Gift of Baby Jesus at Christmas

By Laura Durant
There are many reasons why Christmas is special to me, many reasons why it is the second most special time of the year for me (second only to Easter). However, last year, Christmas became infinitely more special. 

The Gift of Peace in God’s Will

My husband and I began trying to have a child after a couple of years into our marriage. That was eight years ago, and we have not been able to conceive. We have been to the Vitae Clinic in Austin, Texas, which I highly recommend to anyone trying to conceive. While we were not able to become pregnant ourselves, I know many people who have through the help of this wonderful clinic. They were always very kind, always mindful of the struggle we were going through. I could go on and on about the kind and thoughtful ways in which they treated us and others struggling with infertility, but that is the subject for a different blog. After some time, and with a sense of peace from God to do so, we decided to discontinue trying to conceive (in the sense we would not focus on the days of the month I was fertile, etc.). We decided to leave whether we became pregnant or not up to God and His Will for our lives.

I still very much continue to have maternal longings, and I would be lying if I said every month when it is time for my period to begin I didn’t have a little hope this time would be different…that this time there would be a joyful surprise and I would be pregnant. The longings for a child of our own have never completely gone away, but there is a peace God has given us that there are other ways in which he would like us to live out our maternal and paternal longings.

Like all other suffering and struggles I experience in life, I’ve learned to offer this one up to God. And God, being who He is, is never outdone in generosity! Which brings me to last Christmas and the great gift He gave me....Read more on the Gift of Baby Jesus


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