
I am protecting myself from the impact of the Coronavirus.  For me, it’s just the smart thing to do . . .

I know they closed Italy.  I know they are calling this a pandemic.  I know about washing my hands and staying out of public gatherings. I have been paying close attention to the growing numbers of people infected and dying.

But the one thing, the most important thing I can do to protect myself from this virus is to not constantly watch the news and listen to the reports and obsess over it.

I don’t want you to think I am sticking my head in the sand, because I am not. There are lots of things I know about the virus.  But to really protect myself from its impact on my spirit, I need to draw some lines in the sand. So, I take in the information I need and leave it at that.  It’s just not healthy for me to lose sight of reality and lose my balance.

For instance, I just got back from the grocery store to pick up our regular groceries. Really weird. Eerie. Strange sense in the air. People loading up carts of bottled water. I know some people have actual water issues, but aside from that, doesn't anyone use faucets anymore??

My husband saw toilet paper for $115 on ebay!

From what I have read, that irrational panic buying is perpetuated by the herd mentality. Obviously we all need TP, but carts full?

We are doing everything we can—and while this is a terrible thing we are going through—I was reminded recently that it isn't the Black Plague!

Please don't hoard things from our brothers and sisters who may truly be in need.

Please pray for our priests who continue to bring the sacraments to those who are sick or in need. Pray for their protection as well.

As the Coronavirus grows, I was struck by Bishop Barron’s homily of March 8, 2020.  He wasn’t talking about the virus, but he used a phrase that really struck me.

In his homily he talked about sin.  He called it “a contagion.” I started thinking about how the “contagion” aspect of a virus could be compared to the contagion aspect of sin.

The virus can be deadly, as can sin, but not always.

The virus compromises our health, as does sin, especially our spiritual health.

The virus spreads from person to person, which sin can do as well.

I wonder, “Why aren’t we as worried about the contagious nature of sin as we are the virus?  Why isn’t sin causing us this much concern?”

One other thing . . .I am so grateful that our local community is trying to be proactive in regards to the Coronavirus by closing schools and banning visitors to nursing homes, and I am so grateful to God for his mercy when I sin. 

And, rather than panicking, maybe we can use these days in isolation, alone with God, to spend some time reflecting on the bigger picture and praying for each other, especially those who are most vulnerable.

No, the virus and sin are not related, but both are definitely a “contagion!”

Janet Cassidy (podcasts)


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