The Value of Marriage

We were sitting in the pharmacy drive-through and my husband needed $.29 as change for our prescription.  I quickly told him I had it and started digging in my purse.

After he got the prescription I told him he owed me the $.29 or a kiss.  Much to my dismay, he told me he had the change at home.

Then, as we were getting out of the car, he noticed a quarter on the dirty mat under my feet.  I picked it up and asked him if this was my repayment, and he nodded teasingly.

Oh brother.  Everyone’s a comedian.

All joking aside, the truth is, I find being married to him such a joy.  We were joined in the Sacrament of Matrimony almost 38 years ago and I have found it to be such a life-giving union.

A healthy marriage is a witness to the entire world that God isn’t done creating yet!  He joins two people together and gives them an essential way to participate in his divinity—to be fruitful and multiply, and to be a lighthouse for his saving mission.

I fear, though, that there are a lot of young people (and some older adults as well) that see marriage as irrelevant today.  Not understanding the beauty and nature of marriage, and lacking role models reflecting these, one could get the impression that a lifelong, joyful marriage is reserved for a lucky few.

But that is not true. Marriage is not reserved for a few people who happen to get lucky in choosing a spouse.  Marriage is God’s plan for man and woman, and as I mentioned earlier, a gift which allows us to participate in his creative, divine mission.  It is both a heavy responsibility in light of its status as a vocation, as well an example of a living union that reflects our oneness with God himself.

I know a lot of people that have been married forever, and I can say with certainty that it is not only attainable, but it is a good worth seeking.

It would be beneficial to our communities if we could find a variety of ways to highlight marriages—even in their imperfections—so that we can raise up a new generation who can believe in the possibility of marriage and recognize its value and impact on the world around them.

To do this would be priceless.

Janet Cassidy


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