Are You Looking, Too?

I know it’s not right and I shouldn’t even be saying it, but honestly, I am getting a little too interested in checking out the backgrounds of all the celebrities, including news anchors, who I see on television, recording videos and reporting from home.

I can’t help myself.  I peek around them to look at the room they are broadcasting from.  Even in the midst of this crisis and the importance of what they are saying or doing, I started checking out lighted bookcases, expansive backyard window views and even, heaven help me, their furniture.

I know, shame on me.  I wonder if I am all alone in doing this. I wonder if I am the only one that finds it interesting to see how the other half lives.

In my defense, their “sets” have changed to their homes, so it naturally raises my curiosity. Since I am far from being what you would call materialistic, it is kind of odd that I have been doing this.  It’s not like I am trying to get decorating ideas or anything.

I suppose one thing that has come out of all of this is we have had to learn to be flexible—and attentive—to things we’ve never had to worry much about before.  As someone said to me recently, it makes us really appreciate what we typically might take for granted.

So true.

Back to backgrounds . . .

In Jesus’ day, his background changed all the time as he traveled from place to place.  From water to rocks to desert to temples, his settings were often incorporated into his message.

He described Peter as The Rock.

He walked on the water and cooked fish on the shoreline.

He spent time teaching in the temple and throwing out the money changers.

He even went to people’s homes.

As we move through Lent and the events of the world—and the numbers in our communities change by the hour--let us not forget to invite Jesus into our homes (or wherever we may be) so that he is always in our view and we are always part of his story.

Who knows, it might even make others curious enough to follow him as well!

Janet Cassidy (podcasts)


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