It's just a different kind of annoying (normal)

Journal during coronavirus pandemic, part 3

One thing that I have noticed with being pregnant this time around is that I have had little trouble sleeping up until this point, and being able to sleep hard and well and long is feeling to me like a superpower.  I am not tossing and turning when I turn in at night.  Yes there have been days of nausea, and moments of discomfort.  But everyone in my family is very understanding of my need for more sleep.  It may be hard in some ways, but it's just a different kind of annoying. AND I get a baby daughter out of it! Some might say I'm making light of it, but another way of looking at this moment in my life is that I reject any opportunity to complain, focus on negativity, or become consumed by fears. 

So the same could be said about the coronavirus.  It's annoying. It's hard.  But it's like life. It's a different kind of annoying.  It's a different kind of normal. I think we can all reframe our mentality about it.  I'M NOT trying to make light of it (again), yet/and, of course we can look to the perks of this time.  It's exhausting always being on the go, always dressing up to see and be seen. Look at this break from interaction with humanity as a chance to rest and refresh.  Please don't dress your kids up for Mass at home. Please don't Skype so often that you're doing your hair and makeup everyday.  Just take a big, fat, ol' break from these societal pressures and maybe, possibly see it as a gift.

Again this could be said for the economy.  We see things as a commodity when there is a need for it, and people feel that need, and so it thus becomes a hot item in the economy.  So one example is soap. Everyone needs it right now because we are all raging germaphobes and we all need to be washing our hands with soap and water before every meal.  We need to do certain things like take showers everyday.  We need protein and fiber and we should listen to our bodies in an intuitive way to stay healthy with digestion and energy.   We need Kleenex, paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, baby wipes, and disinfectant wipes.... but we also need baby powder and all different kinds of food.

And the same goes for work.  Make a new work model for these times.  Brainstorm a few ways you could earn extra money.  If you have carpentry skills, build something that could be a hot commodity in your town.  I am currently in the market for all types of things for my backyard (picnic table, wooden water and sand table, sandbox, garden bed box) , as the weather warms up and we need fun activities for our kids. Put the men to work and women, get back in the kitchen! (Just Kidding, of course......😱)

One business model is to simply outsmart Walmart and Target and make whatever we can make on our own.  Clothes, towels, easter baskets and homemade easter treats.  Don't waste a million dollars on a celebration that is not intended to glorify greed and our ability to spend money, but rather, commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord.  Don't buy all of the accessories for Sunday best this year, especially when no one is going to see you in your Pajamas at 3:30 besides your next door neighbor, who-- if you're like me-- already knows you're a certifiable freak of nature! 😆
Creativity works and so does a trusted routine.  When a pandemic upends our routines, make an even better one. Happy Palm Sunday, all.


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