Despair or Hope - It is Your Choice! Choose Hope!

With all that we see on the news these days, it is easy to slip into despair, a feeling of hopelessness. Yet, we cannot lose hope! No matter how bad things seem, the light is ahead of us; the darkness will ebb. As Winston Churchill so aptly exclaimed: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” There are better days ahead. So, keep looking forward and move toward God. Despair or hope – It is your choice! I choose hope.

Despair or Hope

God wants nothing but good things for us. He tells us as much in Scripture:
For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe!  Plans to give you a future full of hope. (Jer. 29:11).
So, do not despair. Know that God has plans for you, and a purpose worthy of honor. Therefore, you will do great things for the glory of God. So, no matter how gloomy life may seem, hold onto hope, a hope in Christ.

We Make A Series of Choices Daily

Each day, we wake up and make a series of choices. We can awaken to hope, or despair. We can look at life as... Read more... 


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