God's Gift to Man


When I was praying with the morning readings today, I was struck by the first line of Psalm 72, which goes like this:

“O God, give your judgment to the kings; your justice to the son of kings; That he may govern your people with justice, your oppressed with right judgment . . .”


What does that mean? I wondered.

In checking out the footnotes I learned that as representative of God, the Israelite king was considered the “instrument of divine justice,” so this verse is actually a petition that the king will get what he needs in order to carry out his work, because he can only give “what he has received from God.”

Wow!  How fitting that is for us today!

As disciples of Jesus, we too, can only give what we receive from him.  The first thing that came to mind is love.  We can only give God’s love to others if we have received it ourselves.  Interestingly, reception requires openness, as well as humility.

Humility comes in knowing that whatever you have to offer the world comes from another, that being God.

The footnotes for this Psalm describe the need for intercession.  If the king is going to rule with justice, there needs to be divine assistance, thus the words, “O God, give your judgment to the king.”

For us, then, as disciples, we can formulate our own prayer, or petition, for God’s help.

Oh God, give your people love.  Help us to follow your ways.  Give us wisdom.  Teach us to lead with humility.

Whatever you might need in order to serve God as best you can, ask God for it, and then, be sure you are open to receive it, trusting him so that his gift to you can become a gift “for the whole world.”

Janet Cassidy


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