Are You Controlling?

Do you have a problem with being a bit controlling? Maybe you are tempted to control your adult children, or perhaps your controlling is more related to always correcting the errors of others? There are people who, out of the need for control, desperately pay too much attention to detail and try to make sure that their ducks (and the ducks of others) are not only lined up in a neat row, but that they quack at the same time, and on key. I should correct myself. I’m not so sure anyone actually has a “need” to control others. I think this—can I call it a character flaw?—is often just part of one’s personality. Sometimes it comes from cultural circumstances like family or the way they have been treated. Adult children of alcoholics, for instance, may tend to try to control their situations (and others) because living with an alcoholic can be chaotic and the very definition of being out-of-control. Circumstances themselves may create “control...