Do You Recognize Satan?


I’m not big on talking about satan.  I don’t deny he exists, but I don’t like to give him space.  I do, however, think it is important to “go deep” from time to time and consider the ways our thoughts and actions are influenced by him. 

Satan can work very subtly in our lives, and in fact, we might even work with him if we are unaware of his ways.  It is easy to miss satan’s interventions because they come veiled beneath our hidden pride.

One way we can be sure he is working in a faith community is when well-intentioned people strike out at each other because of their conviction that their way must be the only way, even though they are working towards the same goal.

Or, for example, one person’s adherence to a particular devotion becomes so rigid that they begin to place heavy burdens upon those who do not share it.

If we just step back for a minute and look at the bigger picture, we will see that it is our own self-righteous pride that gets in the way.  This sin of pride opens the door for satan to walk in, feeding our conviction and fanning the flames of division.

It can be shocking to us to discover that what we thought was us, just being good Christians, is revealed to be us, collaborating with satan!

Be careful, “ye watchers and ye holy ones” and stay close to God!

Janet Cassidy


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