Health and Surfside Condo Collapse: Siloam Scenarios

Sunday's rain dampened Sauk Centre's streets, but delivered under four tenths of an inch.

Ash Street South, Sauk Centre, Minnesota. (June 14, 2021)That's been good for our weeds, and for grass next to sidewalks. But it's nowhere near the two or three inches we need to get back to adequate soil moisture in these parts.

Medical issues have been distracting me.

I took one of the kids to an unscheduled clinic checkup with follow-up lab work.

Then another enjoyed, if that's the word, a day or so in the hospital. Not Sauk Centre's hospital. One up in North Dakota, near where she lives.

On the 'up' side, I've been okay this week, which left me free for chauffeur duty.

I'm hoping the next week here will be less eventful.

But, quoting an old Minnesota saying, it could be worse.

I woke up Thursday morning.

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