'Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem?' asks Pope Francis; post-abortion healiing


Pope Francis on 15 September 2021

From the official English translation of the Pope’s words in Italian [emphases added in quotations below]:

Abortion is more than a problem, abortion is a murder.  Abortion... without mincing words: whoever has an abortion, kills. Take any book on embryology, from those who study students at Faculties of Medicine and see that, in the third week of pregnancy – in the third week, and often before the mother is aware of it – the fetus already has all the organs; all, even the DNA. And wouldn't it be a person? It's a human life… period! And this human life must be respected. This principle is so clear… To those who cannot understand it, I would ask two questions: Is it fair to kill a human life to solve a problem? Scientifically, it's a human life. Second question: Is it fair to hire a hit man to solve a problem?

The first sentence above in the original Italian reads:

Il problema dell’aborto. L’aborto è più di un problema, l’aborto è un omicidio.

The Italian word omicidio means both ‘murder’ and ‘homicide’, the latter a legal term used in some English-using jurisdictions.

Laudato si’

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