Queen Elizabeth II of England: Historical Perspective

British Ministry of Information official's photo of Princess Elizabeth in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. (April 1945)
(From British Ministry of Information, via Chicago History Museum and Wikimedia Commons, used w/o permission.)
(Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. (April 1945))

My news feed has been full of the usual stuff: war and rumors of war, looming doom on the economic and climate fronts, and assorted political perturbations.

But ever since September 8, there's been at least one item involving Elizabeth II of England each day. Like this sampling from Monday's news:...

I'll be looking at the British Empire, how assorted Englishmen saw themselves and their country, and — briefly, for me — Elizabeth II's seven-decade reign.

More at A Catholic Citizen in America.

From 19th century England to 21st century Hong Kong, remembering Elizabeth II of England and her world. Attitudes, wars, and a changing world.


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