Sharing My Catholic Faith Story: Mostly Online

Brian H. Gill's 'Internet Friends.' (2017)

It's been a while since I talked about what I'm doing here and why I'm doing it.

And even longer since I talked about Nancy H. C. Ward's "Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips, and Testimonies."

The book's a big deal for me, since it's the first time I wrote for the Red River Valley Historical Society’s Heritage Press that I've had an in-print byline. More to the point, as Lisa Hendey said, it's "an enjoyable template for the challenge of evangelization."

So today I'll talk about social media, evangelization, science, history, art, "Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story" and why I post something here weekly. Not necessarily in that order.

More at A Catholic Citizen in America.

Being evangelical but not an Evangelical. Options and opportunities. Social media: good and bad news. Evangelism: a DIY book. Attitudes, ideas and me.


  1. I went off to find your faith story. And I'm glad I did. It's lovely. Thank you


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