A Commercial for God?

While doing dishes one night, we got kind of silly and started going on about old commercials, like Slim Chipley from Paramount potato chips (here's a medley; not the original.  Just click the arrow), the Frito Bandito song and the Oscar Mayer Weiner song.  

Amazing!  After 50 years my husband and I could sing quite a few of them.  Our oldest daughter pointed out how long those early commercials were and how verbose their jingles were compared to today.

It was some good marketing, that's for sure, if we can recall them so many years later.

That got me to thinking . . . maybe we need a commercial for God and the gospel, the "Good News."  A nice catchy tune that would stick in your head.  I'm just following what the Lord says through the prophet Isaiah (59:32):

“. . . my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the LORD."

Don't laugh, a scriptural earworm might be just what we need! 

Since I am lacking the talent to do so, spreading the Good News by "talking" might be all I can do.  It worked for the disciples, it should work for us.  After all, I don't remember the disciples having a catchy jingle, but they did have a passion for Jesus, a desire to learn from him and a commitment to follow his teachings.

As we cross over into the new year, let the Word of God be on your lips and pass it on to your children, and if you come up with a catchy tune, let me know! 

Happy New Year!

Janet Cassidy



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