Lent 2023: Prayer and Prepping For Easter

This post should be online just after midnight, on the morning of Ash Wednesday
Meanwhile, New Orleans will have almost six hours of their Mardi Gras left.
There's a reason for that, and it's not that New Orleans Mardi Gras folks are ignoring Lent.
A Catholic Citizen in America is on UTC time, Greenwich Mean Time's successor. Midnight, UTC, is 6:00 p.m. in New Orleans, Louisiana.1
- Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday: Meat, Cheese and New Orleans
- Lent: Pointing Myself Towards God
- Looking Back at Lent 2022
(Mardi Gras, very briefly. The purpose of Lent. Original sin and consequences. The Bible, briefly. Goals, short and long term.)
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