Settle into Holy Week

Right about now I imagine many of you have your eyes on Easter.  Panic starts to set in when you consider everything that needs to be done to get ready--buying/preparing food, cleaning the house, planning Easter baskets, clothes, kids, grandkids, work, etc.  The list goes on and on.

Unfortunately, when all of these things overwhelm us, we lose sight of what Holy Week is about.  This very week, when we should be slowing down, meditating on scripture and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we can barely give him a second thought.

Fortunately, the Church has multiple opportunities to draw us in, away from all that distracts us, to help us focus.  Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil (or Easter Sunday), if we give ourselves over to them, are the perfect way for us to enter into what Jesus did to give us life.

I would like to offer you one additional way, that has sort of become a tradition of mine.  I make time for some solitude and rest in Bishop Barron's Stations of the Cross.  Yes, it is rather lengthy, but the beauty of the art and his insightful commentary sets into motion my spiritual preparation for the Holy Days.  You could watch it every day and still not soak in all there is to discover.

You can find this online by clicking on this LINK.  For those of you who cannot get out to your church's Stations, or if you just need some quiet, away from all the activity, I think you will find this well worth your time.

May your encounter Jesus during this Holy Week, and receive peace and joy as we move toward Easter, the day of his resurrection.

Janet Cassidy




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