Plowing ahead

At the end of the Gospel of Luke (9:62), we have this little tidbit:

"Jesus said, 'No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.'” 

If you are like me, you can relate to this passage.  How often does God move us in one direction, while we cling to another?  It is true that we cannot move forward in freedom, and following God, if we do not embrace our present circumstances and entrust our future to him.  

God does, indeed, bring peace and joy into our lives whenever we move gracefully toward plowing a new field when the old one becomes barren. And in doing this, we move forward in hope, sight unseen.  That is the ultimate movement in faith, to prepare and plant in hope.  Who knows if the sun will shine or if our little plot of land will be flooded out?

The outcome of our work is not in our hands.  Our determination, our hopefulness, our faithfulness in all things--this is our work.

I heard the actor George Clooney say one time that he never learned anything from his successes.  It was from his failures that his greatest lessons came.

I think he's got something there.

The depth of this scripture passage amazes me when I consider that in the "not looking behind" we learn a lesson in detachment as well.  Too often people are defined by their work, status, wealth and whatever.  It is easy to become attached to these things. But when God allows all of that to be stripped away, you are left standing there, with what?

If you are aware, you will see that you are left standing there staring at God. Dependent on God. It is really only then that God can get our full attention.  The best scenario, of course, is when we learn how to love and focus on God within what might be considered distractions.

Take care of your clients at work.  Be compassionate and patient with your patients.  Accept change, disappointment and the ideas of others in humility and love.  Experience God in the midst of it all.

When we can manage to do that, with God's grace, and push our pride and apparent self-reliance aside, it is then that we are, as scripture says, truly fit for the kingdom of God!

Janet Cassidy
(Be sure to follow me on Facebook!)



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