Sednoids and the Mysterious Missing Planet X

As I've said before, this isn't the world I grew up in.
Back then, the Solar System had nine planets, assorted moons, and asteroids. Plus, of course, the sun.
Now we've got planets, dwarf planets, minor planets, natural satellites, trans-Neptunian objects, plutoids, comets, centaurs, and small Solar System bodies.
Just to keep things interesting, definitions for the new labels overlap. Some labels, like plutoids, didn't catch on; and it all keeps changing as we collect more data.
This week I'll be talking about sednoids, another subset of trans-Neptunian object;1 along with whatever else comes to mind.
- "All the News That's Fit to Print" — and Some That Isn't
- Sedna, Sednoids, and Orbits: Traces of a Missing World?
(Sednoids: trans-Neptunian objects whose orbits may hold a clue to the fate of Planet X. Also comets, the Kuiper belt, and a 1910 apocalypse that fizzled.)
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