Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A: Cool Images of Hot Gas

That's more than just a pretty picture. Well, part of a pretty picture.
It's our latest look at the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant. Webb's high-resolution cameras are showing details that scientists have never seen before....
...That's what I started talking about this week.
But the Cassiopeia A supernova's underwhelming appearance, or maybe non-appearance, reminded me of famines, coffeehouses, and other malign menaces.
So here's what I had, Friday afternoon:
- Spotting an Invisible Supernova, Coffeehouses, — [disconnecting]
- "...To Follow Knowledge like a Sinking Star...."
- "On to God!" — "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth"
More at A Catholic Citizen in America.
(Latest NIRCam image from Webb Telescope: highest resolution look so far at the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. I also talk about coffeehouses.)
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