Unfinished Business



I started watching the pilot of the T.V. show Feud: Capote Vs. the Swans. Really, just because I saw an advertisement for it; I didn't know anything about Capote, or the show, so I thought it might be interesting as a period drama.

Yuck. I didn't even make it through the Pilot.

My husband came in as I was watching it and I started complaining to him about how immoral some of the scenes were. This was my second attempt at finishing the Pilot. For some reason, I am always optimistic that shows will magically improve.

Coincidentally, he had just been reading about St. Cyril of Jerusalem in a book by Scott Hahn/Mike Aquilina--"Living the Mysteries. A Guide for Unfinished Christians."

He mentioned reading about how we are to live differently after our Confirmation. Later, I saw in the book, the authors' challenge to apply St. Cyril's thought to our life:

"Consider your pastimes in light of your new life. Are the movies and television shows you watch, the books and magazine you read, suitable for a child of God?"

As soon as my husband mentioned what he had read, I turned off the show and will definitely not be returning to it. Some shows make you feel the need to go to Confession.

Anyway, quite often we turn off shows whose language is disgusting, or scenes are offensive, and yes, doing so can be somewhat restrictive at times. I really appreciate it when we find something to watch that is clean and free of gratuitous language and so forth.

Of course, there's always Rummy, Backgammon and Scrabble to fall back on. The only problem with those is that they also elicit my need to confess--the sin of pride--due to my elevated superiority complex, which, admittedly, has no foundation in reality.

Moving forward, I will listen more carefully to the words of Micah:

"You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God."

If you are an "Unfinished Christian" like me, I hope you will strive to do the same.

Janet Cassidy
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