Alcubierre Drive: a New, Subluminal, Physical Solution

From 'Constant Velocity Physical Warp Drive Solution', Jared Fuchs et al., 'Figure 1: Example of an Alcubierre warp trajectory with three phases of flight: (i) Passenger enters the warp bubble at rest w.r.t to the reference observer at point A. The passenger will not have any coordinate velocity compared to the reference observer ... (iii) Warp bubble decelerates to a stop at point B at rest w.r.t to the reference observer and the passenger exits the drive.' (2024)

It's been 30 years since a Mexican theoretical physicist said that a warp drive was possible: hypothetically. And published math that backed up his claim.

Last month, a team of scientists showed how we could build a warp drive: again, with math backing up their claim.

This year's variation on the Alcubierre drive couldn't travel faster than light. But it can, they say, be built with materials we have today.

This is a very big deal. And it's what I'm talking about this week. Along with whatever else comes to mind.

More at A Catholic Citizen in America.

(Scientists described a warp drive using non-exotic matter. This is the first testable solution since the White-Juday device: and a very big deal.)


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