Humanae Vitae Award: Fr. Greg Paffel, Parishes on the Prairie

Brian H. Gill's photo: Our Lady of Angels' Marian Garden in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. (July 2013)

My parish is Our Lady of the Angles in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. It's part of the Parishes on the Prairie Catholic Community — and that's a topic for another time.

Aside from routine matters, we're not exactly at the center of diocesan activity. That's why I think our priest, Fr. Greg Paffel, getting this year's diocesan Humanae Vitae Award is a big deal.

I'll be talking about that, briefly, "Humanae Vitae", and why I think human life matters.

More at A Catholic Citizen in America.

(Humanae Vitae, On Human Life: cultural, historical, and personal context; natural law, positive law; obedience and using my brain; why human life matters.)


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