A Crate of Oranges

Number-three daughter asked me to see if I could get a pomegranate. This was a week or so back, in mid-January.
There weren't any in the produce section. Or, rather, I didn't see any. So I asked when, or if, they'd be there.
Turns out that I'll have to wait for the right season: early winter.
I wasn't surprised.
I'm impressed that we can get any out-of season fruit. And that so much of what's in the produce section won't grow here in the Upper Midwest. Being as old as I am, with a pretty good memory, helps.
The pomegranates that weren't there brought to mind a cluster of memories involving a wooden crate, sincerely awful oranges, and a posthumous sense of gratitude.
More at A Catholic Citizen in America.
(Remembering a wooden crate, sincerely awful oranges, and what my father had in mind. A posthumous expression of gratitude.)
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