Choosing a leader
I couldn't believe it was true. I had heard that there was another run on toilet paper due to the short-lived dock workers strike, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but sure enough, when I went to pick up toilet paper that I actually needed, the shelves were nearly empty. It would almost be funny, except when I consider how it reflects the mindset of people today. And speaking of strange mindsets, I am so confused by anyone who supports the former President. Now don't go and get all mad at me, but I am very concerned, especially, about Christians who think they MUST vote for him out of an erroneous sense of morality (as for others who just like him, I have no comment.) If you are Catholic and you have heard a homily that either directly, or indirectly, insinuates that you must vote for a particular candidate, do not be guilted into voting a certain way. The Catholic Church never tells anyone how they should vote, except to say we must vote by a &q