
Halfway Through Lent - Are You Walking the Camino?

God always seeks out His children.  Like the Shepherd who searches for the lost sheep, God seeks to bring us closer to Him.  God might be silent so that we may hear.  God might give us signs of His Love so that we may believe.  God might bind us close in His Love, so that we do not stray.  God might remind us of our sinfulness so that we may be saved.  God might make us uncomfortable as He shapes us in the Flames of His Unending Love.  God might pull back so that we may learn to trust.  God, the Lord of Creation, does what He needs to do so that when time has ended, we will share heaven with Him. Lent is a time in which we can, through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, grow closer to God.  As we have walked this Camino del Rey, we have improved our prayer lives, we have fasted, and we have given alms.  Some of us have been strict in our adherence to these practices.  Some  of us have fallen.  (Yes, I have!)  Some have not practiced any of the pillars of Lent.  As Pope Fr

Finding the Hand of God

Finding God in our surroundings is getting harder and harder these days. As I was growing up, God was always somewhere within eyeshot. As a Catholic child, going to an all girl school run by nuns gave me a real good understanding of what my teachers were saying to me, God is everywhere, God is always watching, and my lack of trauma and cataclysms ( I thought) gave me a sense of protection. That is how His omnipresence affected me. I did not like nor dislike Him been there, all the time, watching me always. I just knew He was there and it was ok with me. Such apathetic attitude about God did not serve me well.  As I grew up, that He was there or He was not there only helped me to forget to know that He was not there. Eventually if He was there or He was not there was the same to me. to continue reading follow link ....

AAAAHHH...!!!!! The Artist......

The Roman Catholic artist, from the onset of the religious expression, acts on what possesses his/her mind and heart. Just like the prehistoric man, he paints what preoccupies him. His prowess in conquering the mammoth, capturing the wild deer.               Just like them, at the revelation of God to us, thus it preoccupies the mind, but the prowess now to express the newness of something truly awesome with a vague identity but the cause of powerful feelings.             It is said that St Luke painted The Black Madonna of Czestochowa. to continue reading .......

Being a Disciple of Christ

Sunset at Kakaako Beach Park, Oahu First of all, I want to apologize for not sharing any posts in such a long time.  Thank you for keeping me on as a contributor! The following was written by St. John Chrysostom.  It is from my spiritual journal entry of September 13, 2012 after reading the Magnficat meditation of the day.  I feel it will apply to us during this time of penance and contrition. "Being a disciple of Christ means being meek and gentle.  And from what source may we draw this meekness?  If we are continually mindful of our sins; if we grieve for them; if we weep for them.  A soul which habitually feels such contrition does not permit itself to become vexed and angry.  In truth, where there is sorrow, anger cannot be;  where there is compunction, anger is altogether out of place; where there is contrition of soul, there is no irritation.  The soul that suffers the lash of contrition has no time to be aroused to anger, but it groans bitterly and weeps more bitter

Our Lady's Image - Veiling Series

Happy Tuesday All, I hope your day is blessed. I wanted to invite you all to participate in a Veiling Series on my blog. There is a new lady telling her veiling story every Tuesday. We hope to have a husband or two and a Priest or two also participate. Additionally, there are many kinds of head coverings that are being spoken about. If you are discerning wearing a head covering or you already wear one, you will love this series. The Introduction to Our Lady's Image is here: Our Lady's Image, An Introduction So far, I have told my story: Our Lady's Image, My Veiling Story Karen Zenti has told her story: Our Lady's Image, Karen's Veiling Story Mae Lacy has told her story: Our Lady's Image, Mae Lacy's Veiling Story AND - today, Lily Wilson Beck has told her story: Our Lady's Image, Lily's Veiling Story Next Tuesday there will be a new story told. Each story is original to the series (meaning we've all told our stories before but these

Family and homeschool activities for the rest of Lent

Ready to celebrate the rest of Lent as a family? Here are several activities you can do together, whether or not you homeschool. p=suitable for grades 1-3 m=suitable for grades 4-6 j=suitable for grades 7-9 s=suitable for grades 10-12  Books Besides reading the Gospel accounts of Holy Week, try reading and discussing the following books that deal with sacrifice, martyrdom, or resurrection: The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams (p). The Tale of Three Trees by Angela Elwell Hunt (p+). The Queen and the Cross: The Story of St. Helen by Cornelia Mary Bilinsky (p, m) The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis (p+ for reading aloud; m+ for independent reading). Continue reading at Contemplative Homeschool.

What's The Big Deal About the Pope Going to Confession?

Last week, Pope Francis did something that shocked the Catholic world - he went to confession....Watch the video of it here. (Video credit: Catholic News Service) Why are Catholics around the world talking about this?  Why are we all so shocked? We have all heard reports that Pope Francis (like Benedict and John Paul before him) celebrates the sacrament of Reconciliation with great frequency. He has encouraged Catholics on multiple occasions to go to Confession. We have seen pictures of him hearing confessions at World Youth Day. But this, this was different. There is nothing shocking about the fact that he went to confession. The Pope is, after all,  Catholic . What has the world's attention is that he did it publicly. We can watch him on video kneeling before the priest, quietly sharing the sins he has committed, and humbly bowing his head to receive absolution. Just like we do.  So what's the big deal about the Pope going to Confession then.... Read more here.

The Love Tree

J o y  is l o ve rej oi cing....... to read the rest follow link  

The Yoke's On You!

Matthew 11:29 - Take  my  yoke upon you and learn from  me ,  for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. When I first gave my life to the Lord at the age of 19, I was like a runaway train. I became very active doing many good things but completely ran ahead of the Lord. Over the years the Lord has taught me to lean back in him and rest. I am still pretty active in my Church and community but I have become better at listening to His promptings, His heartbeat and doing everything I do out of a place of rest; trying to only go where He goes and do the things He is prompting me to do. Continue reading >

When God became an Outlawed

In 1997 I lived in Mexico City for a few months. I went there in my private airline... On the wings of Zeal. I wore it every day as a badge of Christianity. Eager to make myself useful, I plunged into my self made ministry, but I did not really do much in that ministry that I thought I went there for. I found myself overwhelmed by the street kids. to continue reading......

I’ll Try to Say: “Crucify Him” ! next time.

It occurred to me, as I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, that we ought to meditate on His Most Sorrowful Passion, but…why do we? I was deeply asking Jesus to have mercy on us as I imagined how it felt to have the crown of thorns slide down His Most Precious skull. It did not make sense to me to ask Him for mercy as He suffered so unimaginably. Did He not have enough to think about during His agony than to listen to our pleas for mercy?

Faith and a new way of thinking

Have faith. But when you are at the lowest of your moods, how do you have faith?  Where does that ability to have faith come from? Presently I am reading a book about being happy despite your circumstances.  Being happy doesn't fix the problems and concerns of daily life, happiness doesn't even pay the bills or find the lost spirit.  Happiness is fleeting for the most part. Joy is what seems to be lasting, but how do you find joy?  Where does the joy come from?  Someone, I'm sure will come back and say that you find it in Jesus Christ.  Yes, yes, I agree that knowing our Savior should bring us that is everlasting and eternal. But how do you find joy or HAVE joy when you are down, lost, depressed, feeling out of sorts? Read more...

The Mystery of the Butterfly

painting by a daughter If  you feel sorry  for a struggling  butterfly and in empathy,  cut the cocoon to help him  escape, his wings  will be  deformed. If  you allow  a butterfly to struggle,  emerging slowly,  agonizingly from his prison, his wings will be perfectly formed. My tendency and I think all mother's tendency is to want to save our children from suffering, from making mistakes. So I try to intellectually explain everything to death. But really, it rook suffering to strip me , heal me and bring me to place of humility where I could finally perceive reality. Do I really think that I can extricate them from the cocoon they are struggling to emerge from. If I do, all that I will do is to stunt their wings, just like when a butterfly is cut from a cocoon too early. continue

When You Want to Leave Prayer

'Take no notice of that feeling you get of wanting to leave off in the middle of your prayer, but praise the Lord for the desire you have to pray. That, you may be sure, comes from your will which loves to be with God. It is just melancholy that oppresses you and gives you the feeling of constraint.             ' Try occasionally, when you feel yourself oppressed in that way, to go to some place where you can see the sky, and walk up and down a little...    'It is essential that the soul be led gently.'   S t. Teresa of Avila P ainting:  George Hitchcock, Calypso   Post from The Cloistered Heart

Why bother to pray?

People sometimes ask: Why pray? Will it change the will of God, or budge Him in any way? Sometimes we pray and pray for days on end with seemingly no results? Are we wasting our time? Why bother? Please continue HERE

'Surely we are not blind, are we?' Sunday Reflections, 4th Sunday of Lent Year A

Blind Pensioner with a Stick , Van Gogh, November 1882 [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings  (New American Bible: Philippines,USA)                                   Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel  John 9:1-41 [or John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]  ( New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition , Canada)    [Shorter form of the Gospel: omit what is in square brackets] As Jesus walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. [ His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”     Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.   We   must work the works of him who sent me   while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.     As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”]   When he had said this, he spat on the ground and made mu

The Morning Offering

We know for a fact that the early Christians prayed five times a day, just as Jesus had done with his early disciples. They would rise at midnight to meditate on Christ’s resurrection, so that they would never forget that he was still alive and with them, as he had promised, and that he would be with them to the end of time. This practice wasn’t so unthinkable then as it is today, when most people tended to rise with the sun at dawn and go to bed at sunset.....   read on .....

Raising Catholic Children - Take Your Children to Holy Mass.

 I have had one of those weeks. It was a week for the record books. With one thing piling on top of the other and the cherry on the cake being my husband was away for most of it. It was week that despite feeling like I was being attacked at every turn I had to surrender to the challenges and keep praying through it all. As I laid my head on my pillow last night after the long week before me, I realised two important things. The first is that I don't just want happiness for my children. The second is that I don't just want them to be good people. The reason is "happy" and "good" won't be enough when they are faced with the bad or difficult days, weeks or months  in their life's journey.  Read more...

What are you reading for Lent?

What are you reading for Lent?  Christians who observe Lent know that reading during this time can be a great spiritual exercise ... or not.  I have attempted some books in the past that I eventually abandoned for various reasons. You can see the photo gallery of the books I'm reading for Lent here at Being Catholic ... Really .

In Honor of the GREEN... in Forty − even Fifty Shades!

I promised more COLOR ,   didn't I? ...then what a perfect time to give GREEN its due!    After all, this month brought us the Feast of Saint Patrick (with all its St. Paddy festivities, of course), and now the start of a new season in life!  Yes, Spring has officially sprung here---with shades of grey long dead (!)... So thinking green , seeing green , and anticipating much more green has come quite naturally lately.  And that's something good for us [body, mind & spirit!] and something that involves our food, as well, for all year long.  But if, however, our desire for the color green [from plant foods, that is] has been lost, or maybe never found, let us do something about it now − in this new season, on, for life!  And hopefully, as we come to know these many shades of green, we will see good reason to fall in love with them for their ability to help − to actually do the body good, rather than harm; to foster wellness, rather than disease... And that we will find