
Touring Chicago's beautiful churches: St. Michael in Old Town

St. Michael in Old Town  is the fifth in my series of touring Chicago's beautiful churches.  My husband and I have been there once before and we were looking forward to our second visit. I also have a personal connection to this very old and historic church.  My maternal grandparents were married here sometime in the early 1900's.  The writing on the back of some of the photos I have is a bit faded. You can read the rest of the article at Being Catholic ... Really .

Mayaysia Airlines Flight MH17: Death and Life

Nearly three hundred people died in Ukrainian airspace last Thursday. They were in an airliner on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Nearly two thirds of the passengers of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 were Dutch. They included folks on their way to a conference and families traveling. Some were "important," others not, by societal standards. News services have been focusing on those among the dead who were most likely to be of interest to their viewers and readers. That's understandable. Five days after this tragedy, we still don't know exactly why a Boeing 777-2H6ER fell out of the sky. Since it was in airspace over a war zone, it's very likely that the airliner was shot down.... ...I'll explain why I'm not ranting about these deaths being the fault of folks I don't like toward the end of this post. First, and no pressure: I suggest that praying for those who died on flight MH17, and everyone connected with the incident, couldn't hu

Edith Stein on Femininity

“Our guiding star is not the liberal idea of humanity and femininity conditioned by time. Rather, our ideal is one which exists prior to all time and which will endure for all time. Woman is created by God to stand by her husband’s side, to stand with him over and above all other creatures; she is bound to him as the helpmate who corresponds to him in an enduring, indissoluble coexistence.” -Edith Stein,  Mission of the Catholic Academic Woman To see more quotes from Edith Stein, visit the True Dignity of Women . 

The Universal Monk, The Way of the New Monastics by John Michael Talbot (reviewed by Nancy Ward)

The call to “the universal new monasticism . . . is an almost irresistible urging of the Spirit to a life beyond the status of quo of any religion. But it fulfills every religion,” writes John Michael Talbot.   Jesus restores the authentic personality we have lost touch with. He restores us to “the deepest ‘us’ that makes us who we really are, ” a relationship of selfless and self-emptying love. Unlike the traditional call from the world, the new monastics are not called to leave families, jobs and their homes for a completely new environment within the monastery walls. In midst of the secular world they renew it by embracing this hidden monasticism. In the world but not of the world, they live in a personal relationship with Jesus, trying to live as Jesus with those here on earth.  The new monasticism leads people of every state of life into relationship with God in a specific, unique way by the power of the presence of God living within us in the Spirit. “As St. Paul

Dear Friend, Pregnant and Conflicted

Dear Friend, You are pregnant. Married just over a year and working steadily at your career, you were hoping to wait a while longer before this day arrived. But here it is. You wish this pregnancy felt more like a deliberate choice rather than a shock. But let me propose something, something you already know, which is worth considering now in a new way: with this pregnancy, God is visiting you. You might quickly object--and rightly so--that God was  already  a frequent visitor in your newlywed home; there was no rush for God to send a baby at this particular moment. In truth, God has been your constant companion, accompanying you in your first year of marriage, in your engagement, in your courtship, in your college years, in high school, in your childhood . . . in your own mother's womb. Read more at Praying with Grace .

How to Stay Married 10 Years & Then Some: Karee and Manny

The kick-off to this great new series  How to Stay Married 10 Years & Then Some  is written by yours truly, me and my husband Manny. Here are our prime bits of advice gathered over the years, and a few of our most cherished stories. 1. How many years have you been married and how many kids do you have? Manny & Karee:  We've been married 14 years and have 6 kids: Lelia, age 13; Miguel, age 11; Maria, age 9; Marguerite, age 7; Cecilia, age 5; and Elisa-Maria, age 3. Yes, we know that's a lot of girls. 2. Name 3 things that have helped you to stay married this long. Manny:  “Not staying married” was never really an option in my mind. So I would say that the first thing that has helped me stay married is a proper understanding of what marriage is -- a promise of forever. The second thing that has helped me stay married is that I meant what I said on my wedding day. The wedding vows I spoke were not flowery or cute, but rather simple and direct. They were

The Eucharist and the “Ghost in the Machine”

As an autistic, I have the unenviable ability to almost completely compartmentalize my intellect from emotions. I go into a “machine mode.” My friends often have a very unfortunate experience with that. They talk to me while I am in the middle of “implementing my agenda,” and they see that I do not acknowledge their feelings at all. Friends who know me well stop me and say, “Hey, I just poured out my heart to you,” or “I just disclosed something hard for me to say,” and of course, I collapse into a sea of apologies. I don't realize what I did, but of course I want to acknowledge the feelings of my friends! My autistic reality is not all that different from neurotypical reality. Humans minds work very much like computers, which is why computers are designed based on how our logical intellect works. Our minds are different from computers because emotional drives can dominate our experience. I know all about that too! I have been known to immerse myself in emotion and the “

Feet, His and Mine

“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself.  Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.  He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus answered, “You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”  Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.”  Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!” John 13: 3-9 Feet  are the body parts that support the weight of the whole body. Feet, for the most part, not very pretty because of the work they must do. Feet take us from one place to another. Feet need washing because they lead the way when we walk. Feet go through puddles. Feet

Best of the Best: NFP (@ Melody's Harmonies)

In celebration of NFP Awareness month, I've put together a best of the best of NFP, including books, apps, websites and blog posts. Read the NFP Best of the Best here .

Sorry. Not Sorry. (@ Melody's Harmonies)

So  Pantene has come out with a new ad  where it suggests that women apologize too much and should not say “sorry” and instead be “strong and shine”. The suggestion is that apologizing is something women do unnecessarily and it makes them appear weak and powerless. Instead women should stand up and stop being sorry for being women. Read the rest here .

3 Ways to Keep Faith Alive Between Sundays (with Kids)

The Edel Gathering is this weekend and there were some of us who couldn't attend, as much as we would have loved it! Rita over at The Catholic Review: Open Window thought it would be great to host a blog hop wherein we'd have a virtual conference! I loved the idea and thought to share how I keep the faith alive between Sundays, with kids. I'll admit, I don't always do a bang up job each week. Because work.You'll see what I mean. Finding the time to share the Catholic faith with my children isn’t easily done during the summer months especially when they’re not in school. I work full time from 8:30AM - 5PM Monday through Friday. The time I have with the kids is limited, but I make the best of it. Here's what we do to keep the faith! Check in with them about their feelings about their prayer life. Little ones can struggle too and experience spiritual dryness just like adults. Let them know that they’re being heard and share with them how you work through the

Baby Catholic Answers All the Things, Volume 4 - Confession

I think it's a fairly common belief of people who are not Catholic (and also some who are) that the sacrament of Reconciliation, or confession, is totally unnecessary. I know that I used to think, "Why do I need to confess my sins to a priest? I can just confess directly to God and ask forgiveness." I also kind of thought it was creepy and weird that priests would encourage people to tell all of their deepest, darkest, secrets (says the woman who used to be a clinical psychologist) and then give them a penance to complete afterwards. Read the rest HERE .

But Why Do They Get it When I Can't? - Parable of Weeds Among Wheat

Ever listen to five boys who feel an injustice has been done to them? Know the meaning of the word cacophony?  HA!  It's one of my favorite words, has bee since Sister Alice taught it to back in freshman year, but I doubt Sister Alice could have understood the meaning of cacophony quite the way I do. Of course, Sister Alice taught at my all girls' Catholic high school for more years than I've been on the planet. Come to think of it, I may not have the monopoly on the word cacophony. But still, ever hear those kids when they think their brother has gotten something they have not?       Cacophony. As a Mom, that kind of complaining drives me crazy. I really do Love each of my different Boys 100%. Admiring each of their strengths and laughing at their peculiar little quirks, I try to make sure everything "evens out in the end." To read more about my reflection and whether God will even everything out in the end on the Parable of We

From Mystical Premonition to Contemplation

Sometime ago I was speaking about what I called Mystical premonition or touches of God when one of the audience asked “Are we talking about something that is a particularly Christian experience, or does everyone experience God’s touch?” “It’s for everyone,” I replied emphatically. “God loves everyone, not just Christians, but Christians do respond in a unique way.” Let me explain what I mean. Long before he became a saint, when he was still a pagan, St Augustine experienced those ‘touches of God’ . In writing about the way he reacted to them in his Confessions he gives us a perfect example of how we should react too, in order to deepen our spiritual life. read on....

The Dead Files

Someone was very adamant that I should watch "The Dead Files".  I will be honest, I used to have an interest in these types of shows, but not anymore.  My eyes have been opened, but eyes being opened to the truth do not good unless we speak that truth. ... .CLICK HERE FOR MORE!

By Deed of Gift

The thing that draws me most about monasticism is its absolute totality.  The person entering such a life gives ALL.  As I've written before, a potential postulant does not stick her head inside the enclosure and leave her arms and legs dangling outside.  It just won't work. Yet how often do I give God "only so much," holding little corners of my life in reserve for myself.... (continue)

"Those Who are Just Must be Kind"

(From John Martin, via WikiMedia Commons, used w/o permission.) ('Now that I have your attention ....') God is occasionally presented as violence-prone, with serious anger management issues. Some folks who describe the Almighty this way seem to think that we should worship God because the alternative is getting squashed like bugs. Others claim that God is a make-believe bogeyman , invented by charlatans to frighten people. I think both claims are missing an important point. God is just, God is merciful: and sometimes God has to get our attention. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Finger-pointing: The “Sins” of Pope Francis

I  am appalled  by commentators  and writers who quickly denounce Pope Francis, often  misinterpreting or twisting  the meaning of his comments by taking them out of context.  These critics are acting like the ‘ the accuser of our brethren… which accused them before our God day and night’.     [Revelation 12:7-12]    They   seem poised, ready to  pounce on any hint of  his supposed sin against tradition. Pope Francis’ detractors  condemn him as a modernist heretic who is selling out to secular opinion by refusing to stand up for traditional  Roman Catholic Church teachings. The pope’s critics seem determined to over throw this Spirit-filled man of God.  I am truly baffled. What are these self proclaimed champions of religious purity doing? The most important point in this whole issue is that Jesus never commanded his followers to go around pointing out sin, faults, shortcomings or failures of others, never mind tearing down the pope.  The only role that pointing out sin


Have you sinned well lately? Sins worthy of a good Confession? CLICK HERE

"Are Their Souls Not Worth $200?"

Some time ago on Facebook, I got a message from (what I thought was...) my Bishop.  He was very kind and ministering to me, asking about my walk, quoting scripture, and even giving me the link to his blog to read.  These messages happened over several days, and I was rather enjoying our little private conversations....  CLICK HERE FOR MORE