
Prayer in the second mansions

Reading Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila, we might find ourselves surprised. The Church has proclaimed Teresa a Doctor of Prayer, but the first part of her master work on the subject barely mentions prayer! If prayer is so vital to the spiritual life, why hasn’t she said more about it? How can we grow into the later stages if she doesn’t tell us what to do in the early ones? The first thing we need to get clear is that for Teresa prayer and virtue grow together, no matter where we are in the seven mansions. Some people think that everyone can be contemplatives, regardless of their lifestyle. This is one of the basic problems with Centering Prayer , as we discussed a few months ago. Real growth in virtue takes commitment to prayer Others have the opposite problem. They think that if they are living a moral life, that’s all they need. Not committed to prayer, they think they are nonetheless spiritually advanced, so they see no reason to start praying more faithfully. Th

Make a one-word New Year's resolution

Did you make any New Year's resolutions?  Have you broken any of them yet?  Would you like to change that? Make a one-word New Year's resolution. You can read the rest at Being Catholic ... Really  and Happy New Year!

Catholic Vitamins Interview about Erin's Ring

Just before Christmas, I was blessed with the opportunity to chat with Deacon Tom Fox, for a segent of his "Catholic Vitamins" show.  We discussed my second YA Catholic novel, Erin's Ring, published in late 2014 by Bezalel Books.  If you'd like to read my recent String of Pearls post about it (including a link to the podcast , if you're interested in listening), click here .

New Year, New Month, New Day, New Hour... NEW YOU!

" BEGIN AGAIN FROM SCRATCH ." (–says Pope Francis!) Lord, make me whole... that I may become the best version of myself that You will for me. [Now that's a good resolution — good for body, mind, and soul!] So as we resolve to reform... and begin again—whether now (at time of this posting) in the very first month of this New Year.. or on any given day, and everyday, on... let us look to true words of inspiration from homily of Fr. Wade Menezes (1/5/2015)... " God desires you to be the best version of yourself that He wills for you .” –Fr. Wade... >> Click Here to Read More at: The Way to Nourish for Life >> [including quotes from:  Saint John Neumann, Sr. Magdeleine of Jesus, and Pope Francis]

Everyday Miracles

Last night, I went to sleep and you could see the confused grass beginning to turn green, but not sure if it should.  You could see the roots on the trees, and you could see daisies starting to sprout.  For Minnesota, we've had a warm winter with very little snow, so far, and it's been in the 30's!  That's not normal, but no one was complaining.  There was no white Christmas. We made it through.  No snow meant that traveling was so much easier for families who traveled. Last night, out of the clear blue sky, not really, it had to be cloudy, snow fell.  When I woke up this morning everything was different.  Nothing was the same.  The grass was covered with the white stuff.  The tree branches were weighted down with snow.  The confused daisies were covered, and, hopefully, they went back to sleep as infants do. I sat at the table looking at the ravine behind our house.  I don't drink coffee, so I sipped my diet coke.  What a miracle had happened last

Touring Chicago's beautiful churches: St. Helen

Last summer my husband and I visited different churches in my series "Touring Chicago's beautiful Churches."  When we returned to  St. Therese  in the fall, we didn't expect to get a chance to visit another parish for a while.  We were pleasantly surprised when we were invited to  St. Helen  in November. You can read the rest of the article at Being Catholic ... Really

Hope for the New Year

'Never fear  that your past faults  and infidelities will prevent you reaching the degree of union that God intends for you;  in an instant He can repair all that.' -  Dom Marmion shared from The Cloistered Heart

Small Victories: A Good Way to Celebrate Epiphany

I began reading essayist  Anne Lamott's  new book,  Small Victories ,  after  hearing her speak in November  at the  Free Library of Philadelphia.  My  friend Shannon,  an author and a  jail chaplain in Tacoma, suggested this would be a great book to read for Advent. Well, even though it's under 300 pages, I just completed it today. Lamott's  is an authentic voice, one that does not sugar coat reality but which helps me find God in the smallest moments. Finishing the book is a good way to celebrate the Epiphany, that time when Jesus revealed himself to the world beyond his circumstances. Lamott is a writer  we writers are supposed to love and one whose work I have not taken the time to read fully. While I have read bits and pieces of her illuminating work, this is the first full book of hers I have read from start to finish. She labels herself a "left wing" Christian and I suppose she is, but the label, as any political label does, reduces the value of her

It Started With the Magi

Some folks, like the magi and shepherds, were happy about our Lord's birth. King Herod, not so much. Today's Gospel reading, Matthew 2:1 - 12 , talks about this mixed reaction. Two millennia later, I'm on the same page as the shepherds and wise men. I think our Lord's birth is cause for rejoicing. ( Matthew 2:10 ;  Luke 2:20 ) "Only the Beginning of a Great Procession" " For the Church which believes and prays, the Wise Men from the East who, guided by the star, made their way to the manger of Bethlehem, are only the beginning of a great procession which winds throughout history.... " (" Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Homily of Benedict XVI ," (January 6, 2013)) Today is Epiphany Sunday, when the wise men arrive at the nativity scene in our living room, and we remember Matthew's account of the magi. As usual, there's quite a bit going on.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

The Courage and Humility of the Wisemen

The strongest impression for me of these three men is their courage as well as their humble spirituality. They venture into the unknown, following a star of all things, into a foreign land with enough sensitivity to listen to the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit even though they are not Jewish. They have enough humility to prostrate themselves and actually worship an impoverished human newborn in the confines of a stable full of animals and surely the smell of manure The Adoration of the Kings, Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1564 It is not within their spiritual tradition to worship a human, never mind an infant, yet their minds are open enough to acknowledge that this rogue star, which has settled over a stable, signifies an event of cosmic significance.Their hearts and souls are open enough to sense the presence of the Divine in a mortal baby. In comparison to these ancient ‘heathens,’ we do not fare that well. continue

'We . . . have come to pay him homage.' The Epiphany of the Lord.

The Adoration of the Magi ,  Velázquez, 1619 Museo del Prado, Madrid [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings for the Solemnity of the Epiphany Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa)  The readings above are used both at the Vigil Mass and at the Mass during the Day. Each Mass has its own set of prayers and antiphons. In countries where the Epiphany is observed as a Holyday of Obligation on 6 January, eg, Ireland, the Mass of the  Second Sunday after the Nativity  is celebrated. The same readings are used in Years A, B, C: Readings   (Jerusalem Bible) Alleluia and Gospel for the Epiphany Alleluia, alleluia! Vidimus stellam eius in Oriente, We have seen his star in the East, et venimus cum muneribus adorare Dominum. and have come with gifts to adore the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia! The same text

St. Stephen and the Holy Mass

A man that takes the role of a Deacon is by faith shows himself by his submission, sacrifice and love to be extolling a purification of manhood.    Donning vestments, whether Priest or Deacon is the ultimate witness of manliness.  It is no coincidence that the first Christian Martyr was a Deacon.  By God’s grace, through a Deacon, God let open the heavens to let St. Stephen see the rewards of all those who die for the faith.  The grace of martyrdom is a joy of the will of God being fulfilled, for if we love God, we love Him and  those He loves to our last breath and our last drop of blood.   Those that are chosen for this gift are very few, and it is only by the love in their heart for others that they are chosen.  The martyr is prepared for death by the knowledge that their blood feeds the Church, and by the shedding of their blood, within God's will, they are given the greatest gift while still in the flesh; .... TO READ MORE...CLICK HERE!

Always Meet each other with a smile…

I am beginning to understand that the “Little Way” is simplicity in life, prayer from the heart to Jesus, complete trust in God as our Loving Father, seeking God’s will in our everyday activities (even the little things), doing everything for the love of Jesus, being kind to all people, and a sincere desire to be with Jesus forever rather than to be in this world. Whew – that’s quite a list. Over the past few months, I’ve been thinking about the Little Way and trying to chose just one thing to add. I think St. Therese would approve of adding just one small thing at a time. I will smile – not just at the lady at the grocery store or at my friend I’m meeting for coffee. Read more here...

My Saint and My Word for 2015

The saint who chose me for 2015 is:: Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta! I used Jenifer Fulwiler's Saint's Name Generator I am not under the care, protection, and direction of this amazing woman for the year 2015! Thank you, Jennifer , for this amazing tool! If you've ever received and email from, you will notice that my signature has a quotation from Mother Teresa:: "Peace begins with a smile." Read More at His Unending Love

Jesus Wore Purple Knickers

I recently realized I hadn't blogged the whole month of December. It wasn't because I was too busy or because I didn't have anything to write about but because I have been pondering some things and have been letting them take root before sharing. One truth I have been reflecting on is how Jesus took on our shame. He literally took on our shame when he died such a shameful death on the cross. Since he took on our shame, we do not need to walk in shame. Often however we do walk in shame because of past hurts we have experienced. The enemy would like to use these hurts to keep us down and from doing the works God has called us in advance to do (Ephesians 2:10). The Lord however would like to help us overcome these hurts and then would like to use these healed hurts to help others and bring glory to his name. Continue Reading @ Beautifulthorns >

Alien Worlds, Martian Methane, Looking for Life

Someone's made a 'top 10' list of "top exoplanet discoveries of 2014," including the first potentially habitable Earth-size world. Mars had an ocean: billions of years ago. Scientists are piecing together the story of how Mars became the world it is now: and trying to figure out where Martian methane comes from. Other scientists have discovered another reason to look for life on planets orbiting red dwarf stars: and there's the ongoing discussion of how to define "life." We're learning more about this universe, and discovering that there's much more to learn. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Come On: It is Time For YOU to Nominate Great Catholic Writers


Good Advice from the Mother of God

Today's the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. It's one of those holy days of obligation, when Catholics go to church, and it's not Sunday. (" Directory on popular piety and the liturgy. Principles and guidelines ," The Liturgical Year and Popular Piety , 115-117) "Mother of God?" I'm a Christian, so I think my Lord is God: God the Son, second member of the Trinity, and that's another topic. Topics. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 232 - 260 , 456 - 478 , 2673 - 2679 ) Mary is my Lord's mother, so it's like St. John Paul said: " ...In her the eternal Son of the Father took our very flesh and through Her became "son of David and son of Abraham" (Mt 1,1). Thus Mary is his true Mother: the Theotokos, Mother of God! " If Jesus is Life, Mary is the Mother of Life. " If Jesus is Hope, Mary is the Mother of Hope. " If Jesus is Peace, Mary is the Mother of Peace, Mother of the Prince

New Year's Resolutions; Catholic Style

  The New Year is upon us - and with its coming brings New Year's resolutions - we are all familiar with them; we have all made them; we have all broken them by January 7...The media is replete with lists of the most popular resolutions which can usually be broken down into three categories: losing, quitting, and saving - as in weight, smoking/drinking, and money.  It is a rare exception that a New Year's Resolution involves our ultimate and final goal of this life - eternal happiness with the Lord in the next.  Don't get me wrong - I am not suggesting that you cease making the "losing, quitting, saving" resolutions - just that you consider adding a resolution or two that will impact your life for all eternity.  Click here for 7 New Year's Resolutions; Catholic Style

A Vision of the Holy Family

Reflecting the Trinity Perfect balance is seen the Holy Family Husband-Wife-Child the Family as God intended it. From the beginning, when God first made man, He knew man was not meant to survive alone. Man was meant to have a partner, someone to walk through life with, someone to share laughter and love with, someone to reflect a fraction of the Love God felt for man. Even in the Garden of Eden where nothing ever hurt man, the Lord knew loneliness might be an issue. God, in His infinite Wisdom, knew man would need a partner to physically be by his side daily and so God gave Adam Eve. Thousands of years later, the Lord produced His Son, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The God, the one God, omnipotent, omniscient, God, Father of All could have given Mary the strength to bear that child alone. He could have given her an awesome job and set her up in a sweet little palace on the outskirts of town. He could have given her servants for her beck and call. He could

Gold from Kings, Gold from Us

In keeping with the Christmas season, I’m continuing to share excerpts from my book Voices: Messages in Gospel Symbols. Chapter 2 is a meditation on gold: First among the three gifts the kings from the east present to Jesus is gold. Gold is the best they can offer. This most precious metal is a gift for a king, fitting tribute to the newborn king of heaven and earth. The infant is himself God’s gift to us—the Son, the Father’s treasure, not only precious but priceless (though he would someday be valued at only thirty pieces of silver). And this unparalleled gift is the culmination of a world full of golden gifts: sunbeams, dandelions, autumn leaves golden agers, and smiles. God is never outdone when it comes to gift-giving. Click to continue

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Happy New Year!

The Granduca Madonna , Raphael (Raffaello), 1504 Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence [ Web Gallery of Art ] St Luke 2:16-21 So the shepherds went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.  When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child;  and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them.  But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.  The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. Full post here .

I am Beginning to Recover From Christmas

and that's why I'm writing today.  The boy child has gone home.  He had a safe trip.  Praise God!  He's back at home living his life again.  The interruption is over for him for now. The girl child is still here, recovering from her cold.  I do think she's feeling a little bit better, even though she's still very pale.  Cancer really sucks!  (Talk about interruptions in life!)  Christmas was a HUGE interruption in my life, and I loved EVERY MINUTE of that INTERRUPTION! Advent: trial and error, growth, and change.  Christmas: the fulfillment of  God's promises to His People. Now, that  the secular Christmas is over, I have to discern that growth. (We are still celebrating the season of Christmas in the church.)   I have to discern where God wants me to go.  I have to discern how God wants me to grow.  I have to discern in what way God wants me to serve.  The new year will mean change.  The key is now, "Prayerful Discernment." Rea

Looking back at the year 2014

Are you glad 2014 is over? You can read the rest at Being Catholic ... Really .

A New Year's Resolution

Here is the resolution to end all resolutions. The theory is simple. We're all weak, so even if we do manage to keep an odd resolution here and there throughout our lives, we will never manage to keep them all, never mind conquer the sins that continually topple us. So make just one resolution, and that is to turn and open yourself to receive ‘Love Unlimited’ each day, and then your life, and the life of your family will be irrevocably changed for the better. The reason is simply this: - All things are possible with love that are quite impossible without it. So – here is the principle - don't give up anything you like or enjoy unless it prevents you from giving quality space and time each day for God in prayer. There's nothing more important than resolving to surcharge your own limited love with ‘Love Unlimited’ . Prayer is but the traditional word used to describe how we go about doing this.... read on    Happy New Year!

Christmas: A Hole Nutha Level

One of my favorite recurring characters on the long-gone  Mad TV  show was Keegan-Michael Key's "Eugene Struthers." Eugene, an overly enthusiastic delivery man, would catch Hollywood celebrities in random moments and gush about how they take their craft to "a hole notha level." On this sixth day of Christmas, I am thinking of Eugene. I imagine Eugene interviewing Christians throughout the world and marveling at how they take Christmas to, as he would say, a Hole. Notha. Level! Keep Christmas with us! At Praying with Grace .

New on the Blogroll: Tony Agnesi's Finding God's Grace Radio Program

There's a new item on the blogroll , Tony Agnesi's Finding Grace Radio Program: Tony Agnesi ( ) " Finding God's Grace in Every Day Life " Finding God's Grace Radio Program My Blog More accurately, the new item is that link to a description of Tony Agnesi's new radio program: Finding God's Grace Radio Program (December 29, 2014) " We are pleased to announce the debut of Finding God’s Grace beginning the January 7th on the Living Bread Radio Network, WILB 1060AM in Canton, Ohio and WILB-FM 89.5 in Boardman/Youngstown, Ohio. The program will also be available from Itunes, Stitcher, Tune-in Radio and Podbean, and here at Finding God's Grace is a one hour weekly interview program featuring Catholic guests from around the globe with interesting, compelling stories.... " That's the entire post. If you want to see it on A Catholic Citizen in America ( catholiccitizenamerica.blogspot.c

A Holy Family (@ Melody's Harmonies)

Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family.  Today's mass readings  are all about the family. The first and second readings instruct the faithful family to honour and love one another, to respect and care for one another. And the gospel tells the story of the presentation of the Christ Child in the temple, the prophecies of Simeon and Anna and the early life of the Holy Family. Christmas time drives home the importance of family: it's probably the time of the year when we appreciate the gift of family the most. But this Christmas I am really struggling to see my family in the light of the Holy Family. It's really hard to remember my husband and I are a family and our family is just as important, sacred and holy in the eyes of God as the family that has been blessed with children.\ Read the rest here .

Tis the Season of Christmas! Yet Do You Hear What I Hear?

" Twas the night after Christmas, and all through the airwaves, not a Christmas song to be heard!  Oh so silent upon December 26th... No longer with any outside sources feeding us such joyful tunes.  Silent night now, indeed… When, what to my wandering eyes [& ears] should appear? ...but EWTN! " ...I really wasn't planning on this post—but had found myself "hungry" the day after Christmas... Only then to be unexpectedly gratified [thanks to the gift of EWTN], for which I am grateful.... So much so that I wanted to share it with you; just in case you, too, may find yourself feeling hungry as well... After-all, Christmas is here... Still!  Not just a Day… but Season!   Not beginning at the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in November ... >> Click Here to Read More at: The Way to Nourish for Life >>

Thanks Be To God

Arthur Hughes, The Nativity shared from The Cloistered Heart