
Fire, Brimstone, and Lollipop Faith

Today's Gospel reading, John 3:14 - 21 , includes one of my favorite bits from the Bible.... ...My main job, just like everyone else, is loving and serving God. Whether or not I do that job is up to me, every moment. Humans are rational creatures, able to decide what we do: or don't do.... ...Some folks, understandably, don't particularly like being told "you will be wholly lost and thrown away of God" if you don't agree with some enthusiastic disciple of Edwards. I think, and hope, that Edwards meant well.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Saint Joseph Novena Pray Along Day 5

This is late being posted because I spent my day at my beautiful Goddaughter's Confirmation. What a lovely day! Today I am praying for all the confirmandi and cathacumen. Come pray along with me!  God bless! PATRON OF THE CHURCH Saint Joseph, God has appointed you patron of the Catholic Church because you were the head of the Holy Family, the starting-point of the Church. You were the father, protector, guide and support of the Holy Family. For that reason you belong in a particular way to the Church, which was the purpose of the Holy Family's existence. Continued on Veils and Vocations .

The Dangers of Techno Pacifers

My contribution to  TENDER TIDINGS Spring 2015   is  The Danger of Techno Pacifiers.  ALL the articles are excellent in this free parenting resource for gentle, intentional, and attachment-minded parents: For most modern families living in apartments, townhouses, or even the suburbs, it takes a conscious effort to ensure little ones connect with nature and animals and, as a result, connect with God. Nature is suffused with the Presence of the Creator because God sustains and controls nature.  It seems to me children need to go outside where they can delight in the smallest details because their hearts sense the Spirit of God and His joy when they are in nature. Even adults are growing increasingly discontent with the hectic pace of the 21st century because it is an existence more plugged into technology than to people. Many are more comfortable texting each other than speaking face to face or even talking on the phone. This disconnect has devastating repercussions, also affe
Helping Women. Period The Verse before today's Gospel was: " If today you hear his voice,  harden not your hearts." I heard this verse at Mass this morning and thought about all the ways we are being called this Lent to hear His voice and not harden our hearts. In Lansing, Michigan, a woman named:   Amy Mercier Stephenson, has heard God's voice and she has seen a need that no-one else saw. She is creating a women's specific pantry filled with those things a woman needs monthly and that we, who have the means, don't give a second thought. It is such a simple thing. It is such a huge thing for those who can't afford these necessities. It is such a blessed thing that Amy is doing. Here is her Facebook page about Helping Women. Period , please visit it if you feel God calling you to help. God bless Patty Perkowski , csd

'Those who do what is true come to the light.' Sunday Reflections, 4th Sunday of Lent, Year B

The Gospel of John  (2003) Philip Saville Gospel   John 3:14-21  Jesus said to Nicodemus: “And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,     that whoever believes in him may have eternal life . “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.    And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that

St Joseph Novena Pray Along Day 4

It's day four of our pray along. Thank you for journeying with me. Today, I am praying for the persecuted and refugees, LORD please grant them protection and deliverance. I am also praying that the hearts of out enemies may be converted. God bless! FAITHFUL SERVANT Saint Joseph, you lived for one purpose -- to be the personal servant of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh .  Your noble birth and ancestry, the graces and gifts, so generously poured out on you by God -- all this was yours to serve our Lord better. Every thought, word, and action of yours was a homage to the love and glory of the Incarnate Word. You fulfilled most faithfully the role of a good and faithful servant who cared for the House of God. Continued on Veils and Vocations .

Dawn's Arrival at Ceres; Sims and "Chaos"

Dawn became the first spacecraft to orbit two asteroids or planets other than Earth last week. More to the point, we're learning more about these survivors from the early Solar System. Meanwhile, from the world of infotainment , "chaos" and the early Solar System.... ...Either way, Vesta and Ceres are — most likely — the last remaining large protoplanets : which makes them valuable samples of the early Solar System. Apart from size and distance from our sun, they're very different: which also makes them intriguing places to study. Scientists have working ideas about how Vesta and Ceres ended up where they are, but those hypotheses may change when we learn more from the Dawn mission. There's quite a bit of data to work with already, from Dawn's stopover at Vesta.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

The Irresistible Novena

by Helena Pasztetnik “…where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Romans 5:20) Sometimes in life, you just feel desperate. You’ve tried everything but nothing has helped. Your situation keeps getting worse. Suffering, uncertainty, or hopelessness is drawing your life in a meaningless spiral towards nothingness. When every other avenue of recourse has been exhausted, and the only help available is prayer, this is the prayer that more and more people are turning to. It’s called The Irresistible Novena.  Read more...

St Joseph Novena Pray Along Day 3

I know that I am posting this late today, but please pray along with me.  Today I am praying for the fatherless, step-fathers and foster fathers, and fathers who have lost their children.  God bless! Third Day MAN CHOSEN BY THE BLESSED TRINITY Saint Joseph, you were the man chosen by God the Father .  He selected you to be His representative on earth, hence He granted you all the graces and blessings you needed to be His worthy representative. Continued on Veils and Vocations.
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Why? I'm making a list. Feel free to add to this list. 1) God is always working in my life, even when I don't feel it. 2) God loves me, even when I don't love me. 3) God likes me, even if no one else does. 4) God accepts me as I am. (He doesn't make junk.) 5) God loves me as I am.   Read More At: His Unending Love


FATHER JONATHAN HILL A sermon from Fr Jonathan Hill. It was long ago that God gave the Commandments and the Law to Moses and the Children of Israel.    Yet we read elsewhere in Scripture that the Law was incapable of making us righteous.    What then was the purpose of this gift?    The Law was intended to prevent people from doing evil, to turn their hearts towards ways of righteousness so that when Jesus came, in the fullness of time, to bring His teaching which went far beyond the Law, there would be a foundation for Him to build on.    The Commandments might be seen as our Basic Training for living a life acceptable to God.    God gave us Commandments.    Jesus willed that we should not simply be obeying laws but that we should be obeying because we wanted to grow close to God, to grow in righteousness, in faith, in compassion, in devotion.

Can You Joke About Religion?

We are free to laugh and even enjoy religious humour because people who are secure in their faith understand their Father in heaven chuckles along with them. God actually has a sense of humour. ( Melanie's Theology 101) read more

Are you tired of Lent?

Are you tired of Lent? Debbie, over at  Saints 365  is definitely tired of Lent and so is Regis Martin, who appears in the video below. You can read the rest at Being Catholic ... Really .

When I'm dead and gone


St Joseph Novena Pray Along Day 2

Day two is here. Today, I am praying for hard-working fathers and fathers who are struggling to provide for their families. Please pray with me and remember to leave any intentions you have in the comments. God bless! Second Day VIRGINAL HUSBAND OF MARY Saint Joseph, I honor you as the true husband of Mary .  Scripture says: "Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, and of her was born Jesus who is called Christ" (Matt. 1:16). Your marriage to Mary was a sacred contract by which you and Mary gave yourselves to each other. Mary really belonged to you with all she was and had. You had a right to her love and obedience; and no other person so won her esteem, obedience, and love. Continued on Veils and Vocations.

There Are Actually Good Things About Lent +Thoughts on St. Catherine

The other day, I baked chocolate chip cookies for my kids, and didn’t eat a one. I then decided to Who eats their kids' leftover milkshakes, anyway?  I wondered to myself. forgo my usual afternoon cup of tea. Insert personal pity party right here. Earlier in the week, I had bought them a couple of chocolate milkshakes, and completely forgetting that I gave up chocolate for Lent, I took a sip, upon noticing Anders wasn't going to come close to finishing his, then remembered and had to watch them drink their shakes while I drank water.  I threw a tiny pity party in my head again as I threw the leftovers away, but I sat down with a good book, and I felt a flooding of relief and peace coming from nowhere. I’m finally doing some spiritual reading, and the book  Catherine of Siena , by Sigrid Undset, mingled with the deep conviction that observing Lent is so important to me, and I love it for my family, is giving me deep joy. Even though the momentary sacrifice feels painful, the

Catholic Interviews: Stephen Colbert's, Mine, and Yours

Last week on the Internet I saw James Martin, S.J., interviewing Stephen Colbert, who is Catholic. Fr. Martin asked the following four questions. Colbert’s answers follow. For fun I answered the questions too. I wonder if Colbert was prepared in advance. It took me awhile to think of my responses. My answers are in parentheses. I’ve also added a few more questions. You might enjoy reflecting on how you would answer all of these if you were being videotaped for the world to see: Who is your favorite saint? St. Peter. My Confirmation name is Simon. (St. Catherine of Siena) Click to continue

Empty Hands Prayer

Lord, may I return to You all that You have given me. When I die, and I see You face to face, may all I give You is my empty hands because, that which You so freely gave me, I used in service to You for Your greater Honor and Glory. May I have used Your graces to bring You Your Heart’s desire: Souls, Many, many souls. Lord, Before I die, May my knees be sore from worshiping. May my fingers be bent from praying. May my arms be empty because I have nothing left to give. Read more at: His Unending Love

Marian Consecration Reflections

I mentioned that I would be hosting a link up (my first ever) on March 16th in last week's post . Well, your dyslexic blogger got her dates confused and it's up today! Never fear, if you're not ready to share your Marian consecration reflections, you have until the actual day of consecration (March 25th, The Annunciation) to link up with us. By us, I mean Elizabeth Reardon of Theology is a Verb . Isn't that a great blog title? I've always loved it. This is my third time making consecration and I have used a couple of different books to do it. This year, I went back to my favorite, 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley . Before we get ahead of ourselves though, what is Marian Consecration anyway? Read more at Filling My Prayer Closet and if you are making consecration now, consider linking up your post !

A Novena to St Joseph Pray-Along- Day 1

Today begins the novena in preparation for the feast of St Joseph on March 19th. I am sponsoring a pray along. Each day I will post the Novena prayers for the day along with intentions that need prayer. Please share with family and friends, and share any prayer requests in the comments. Let's pray for and with each other! Today, I am praying for struggling marriages, reconciliation within families, and those trying to sell their home. God bless! Source Novena to  St. Joseph Day One FOSTER-FATHER OF JESUS Saint Joseph, you were privileged to share in the mystery of the Incarnation as the foster-father of Jesus .  Mary alone was directly connected with the fulfillment of the mystery, in that she gave her consent to Christ's conception and allowed the Holy Spirit to form the sacred humanity of Jesus from her blood. You had a part in this mystery in an indirect manner, by fulfilling the condition necessary for the Incarnation -- the protection of Mary's virg

Finding God in Special Needs

The man in the purple wheelchair is my brother Mark. The happy little girl with him is my daughter, who dearly loved her Uncle Mark. Mark passed away in 2007 at the age of 39, but I think about him every single day. Mark had a unique personality, as well as severe mental and physical disabilities. Mark was blind, but he trained me to see; without him as my brother, I might never have paid much attention to people with special needs. As it is, I am always on the lookout for folks who respect people with special needs, and who learn at least as much as they teach. I met just such a person a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Joellyn Cicciarelli, the director of curricula development at Loyola Press. I sat down with Joellyn one fine morning at her offices in Chicago to learn more about her and her unique work. Read all about it at Praying with Grace!

The First great Christian Mystic

When I was a student I stayed with a lecturer and his wife in London. There were six other students and a young psychology lecturer called Mark, all staying in the same house. Mark and I found we had a lot in common and, before I realized it, a deep friendship had grown up between the two of us. He was a brilliant lecturer and I often went with him to the many outside engagements that he accepted. Wherever he went, he would always begin by belit­tling his own competence, assuring his audience that he felt sure they knew far more about the subject than he did. If the contents and delivery of his material hadn’t blatantly belied his preamble, you couldn’t have blamed his audience if they had walked out before he’d finished. I think it was what I originally took for genuine humility in Mark that initially drew me to him. It was only later that I came to realize that he took a morbid delight in denigrating himself. It was only because we had grown close that I was able to ask him why he

My Silence, God's Silence

Lent. Silence. Listening. This lent, I have noticed barrenness in my life. Although my days are filled with the busy-ness of writing, studying, practicing, cooking, cleaning, facebooking, and the many other thousands of activities that fill time, by scheduling more time for prayer, I’ve noticed a deep and all-pervading silence and emptiness. Perhaps a lot of the busy-ness with which I cover my days is my way of running away from this lonesome silence? All the activities that fill my life give me a sense of importance and achievement. I grasp at this feeling, because it masks the reality of my smallness and insignificance in the eyes of the world. I am anxious for this feeling, because I fear my identity without it.                                                                                                                          This silence is softened by faith in God and sharpened by His silence.  Read more...

Book Review: Miracle Man

I read “Miracle Man” in two and a half  days!  Normally, books take me a lot longer to read, but  I couldn’t put “Miracle Man” down.  “Miracle Man” is the true story of a man named Bernie and the fulfillment of God’s plan for him and his family.  Not what was expected or wanted, the journey directed by God affected not only Bernie and his wife, Judy, but countless other lives of people who came to serve.  Prior to the start of the book, tragedy had touched both the lives of Judy and Bernie, tragedies that many people could not survive. Both had lost children, however, in spite of these tragedies, Judy and Bernie stayed the course of their faith and marriage. When tragedy again reared it’s ugly head, God intervened, and His graces poured forth.  Bernie’s heart kept beating in spite for the dire predictions of doctors and medical professionals.  Surprise, God was in charge! Read More at:  His Unending Love

Classics from the Past: St. Patrick Day Celebration Memories with Update

Carving of St. Patrick at My Parish Church Some of my Chicago Irish Facebook friends humorously posted that Valentine Day indicates that St. Patrick Day will be here soon.  The Chicago Irish, like American Irish in other large cities, celebrate St. Patrick Day in a big way.  And one doesn’t have to be ethnically Irish to join in the festivities. I have observed in the past decade or so that St. Patrick Day Celebrations, like Mardi Gras in New Orleans, have degenerated into a kind of day of debauchery, especially characterized by drunkenness and overall immoderation.  This sort of celebration is a far cry from how I remember St. Patrick Day celebrations in our family, perhaps a half century ago.  Also, it seems to dishonor, rather than to honor, St. Patrick, the one whose holiness Catholics celebrate on that day More  here.