
In the Inner Cloister of Her Heart

From The Cloistered Heart

Paris, Evil, and Love

(From Anne Sophie Chaisemartin/AP, via New York Daily News, used w/o permission.) (" Victims of a shooting attack lay on the pavement outside La Belle Equipe restaurant in Paris Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Well over 100 people were killed in Paris on Friday night in a series of shooting, explosions. " (New York Daily News)) I've read that Friday's attacks in Paris are the fault of right-wing hate-mongers, that America's president is to blame — — — and the American election is still nearly a year off. I am not looking forward to the usual self-serving balderdash.... ...I am pretty sure that Muslims who blame France, America, and Western civilization for their problems are sincere, too. But the grand imam of Al-Azhar called Friday's attack "odious," Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb said it was "heinous," and Saudi King Salman called it "repugnant." 1 ... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Starbucks and a Religion of Hope

(From Starbucks, via AP/, used w/o permission.) America's presidential campaigns may explain some of this week's sturm und drang : 1 " Outcry, pushback escalate over Starbucks holiday cup flap " Mae Anderson, AP Business Writer, via (November 10, 2015) " Is Starbucks Waging 'War on Christmas'? Red Cup Stirs Controversy " Sarah Whitten, CNBC (November 10, 2015) " Starbucks red cup controversy: The view from Chicago " Greg Trotter, Chicago Tribune (November 10, 2015) I put a mercifully-brief excerpt from each of those items at the end of this post. 2 Hats off to the Chicago Tribune's Greg Trotter, for his "extremely unscientific survey" regarding the latest looming crisis. Tongue in cheek is, I think, a reasonable attitude toward the Starbuck's holiday coffee cups "controversy." Interestingly, I haven't heard a peep about the Starbucks Veteran's Day cup, which rese

What It's Really Like To Be A Nun Today

Luca Bruno, Associated Press I came across the most wonderful online chat via the Huffington Post's Huffpost Live . I thought you might enjoy it as much as I did.  You can find the video interview here . And, you can find  here  a really wonderful piece from The New York Times online that describes the changing face of the American nun.   Wishing you and yours a wonderful Sunday, Sabrina 

The Kingdom is Within

If you have been following my blog, you know that I haven't been blogging as often as usual lately. To be honest, Tom (my husband) and I have been going through a tough time and have been trying to figure some things out.  For years now, we have been trying to figure out our ministry niche and what God's will is for us. Tom has a degree in Theology but for the last seventeen years he has been working in insurance at a company in Clearwater. Ten of those years we have lived in Lakeland and he has been commuting to and from work. That means for three to four hours he is in the car everyday. He usually leaves the house around 7am and arrives home between 7 and 8 pm.         Continue reading @ beautifulthorns>

There are No Words...

So, the saints speak to us tonight. “Peace is simplicity of heart, serenity of mind, tranquility of soul, the bond of love. Peace means order, harmony in our whole being: it means continual contentment springing from the knowledge of a good conscience; it is the holy joy of a heart in which God reigns. Peace is the way to perfection, indeed in peace is perfection to be found.” St. Padre Pio Read More at Prayerfully Yours

'My words will not pass away.' Sunday Reflections, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Adoration of the Name of Jesus , El Greco, 1578-79 Chapter House, Monasterio de San Lorenzo, El Escorial, Spain Gospel Mark 13:24-32(NRSV, Catholic Ed., Can.) Jesus said to his disciples: “But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. “But ab


It’s late Friday afternoon. The sun is starting to dip low on the horizon. Right now, I’d like to kick my feet up on the ottoman and have a glass of wine. I’d love to sit and watch the sun descend from the sky into the earth that I see. The light will be gone. I’d love to watch this in silence, however, I’m BUSTED! I’m at the computer writing this blog post. The wine is still in the refrigerator. The silence, well, I’m relaxing to the sounds of Fernando Ortega on Pandora. No silence here for now. Silence is my weakest area of worship. I use my body when I worship. I move my arms. I kneel. I sit. I whisper my prayers. I chant the psalms. Silence? Not really.  Read More at Prayerfully Yours

Pluto’s Cup-Capped Mountains

Before the New Horizons mission, we knew Pluto was very cold, had little or no atmosphere, and that was about it. ( October 30, 2015 ; July 10, 2015 ) Now scientists think they've spotted 'ice volcanoes' on Pluto that look a lot like shield volcanoes on Earth and Mars.... ...we're rational creatures, created in the image of God, and "little less than a god." Studying this universe, and using that knowledge is part of our job. So is using our power responsibly.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .
I’m on the computer writing. Usually, I work in silence, but today, I decided that I wanted to hear Christmas music as I wrote. I love the hymns and music of the season. “Wait!” I hear someone cry. “Are you crazy? Thanksgiving isn’t here yet! Why are you listening to Christmas music now?” That’s a good question. Today, I am getting ready for Christmas mentally, physically, and emotionally. I am remembering Christmases past. I remember the joy and the sorrows of the celebration. Yes, there were sorrows after the death of my husband. So, I remember on these levels. However, I have not begun to prepare spiritually for the coming of the Messiah. Right now, I am thinking about the celebrations, the gatherings, the gifts, the food. I need to do this, too. Spiritually, I am still in Ordinary Time.  Read more at:  Prayerfully Yours

A Parent's Guide to Teaching Gratitude

Gratitude is attractive. The grateful person tends to be happier, healthier, and more satisfied with their own life. They have an easier time forgiving others and helping others. They worry less and are less likely to get depressed or stressed. Sounds pretty good, right? Who wouldn’t want to be grateful with that description? But gratitude doesn’t just happen over night. After becoming a parent, I quickly realized that while it’s relatively easy to teach a child the habit of saying “thank you”, it’s much harder to help them develop the  virtue  of gratitude. Gratitude is more than a habit. It’s more than a good desire. Gratitude is a relationship. We are thankful  for  things, but  to people. In order to have an open and grateful heart, a person must have strong relationships. For Christians, the ultimate foundation of all gratitude lies in a relationship with God in which we realize who we are and who God is, and recognize all he freely gives us. Gratitude toward others beco

The Examen: In Thanksgiving for Our Vets

I slip into the Silence of God. His Presence fills me with joy and thanksgiving. It’s dark and cloudy outside. I think of our vets who fought in wars to preserve our freedom. Thank You, Lord, for these veterans, both the living and the dead, who fought for our freedom. Thank You, Lord, that women and men are still willing to serve. Thank You, Lord, for those who risk their lives daily to preserve the peace. Thank You, Lord, for those who have died in the battle for freedom. Thank You, Lord, for the families of those women and men who allow their loved ones to serve in spite of the harsh sacrifices they must endure. Read More at Prayerfully Yours

As the Morning Rising: The Feather - Poetry and Reflections Ann Murray

As the Morning Rising: The Feather - Poetry and Reflections Ann Murray :  Here is a poem from the book:  Love of God Without the love of God Where would ... continue

Bravery and Courage: A Veteran Remembered

Bravery is an attribute that best describes my dad, Ed Duffy; a World War II veteran awarded the Bronze Star for Bravery while serving in Germany. He was a radio operator. As the story goes (from his transcript for why he was awarded the medal), he crawled out into the line of fire to quickly repair a wire connection so that his radio would work. If anyone were to ask him about that day and to elaborate on the story, you would get... Read more...  

Questions Jesus Asks You

I saw that Time Magazine is publishing a book in which famous people answer questions that Jesus posed. They beat me to it! At one time I considered writing a book about Our Lord’s questions. We believe that the Bible is living and active and that God speaks directly to us through his Word. Therefore we can take his words personally, including the questions of Jesus. As a unique prayer, you might ponder these questions as though Jesus were standing before you and asking them. Then answer them. You might even write out your answers as in a letter. You don’t have to be famous. Click to continue





#WorthRevisit - Sharing Favorite OLD Posts

Over on  (where I am a contributor) we are up to something WONDERFUL:  A 33 day Marian Consecration Retreat to prayerfully anticipate the commencement of the Year of Mercy (beginning Dec. 8th - yippee!!). Join us as we share the book 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration by Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC. Don't have the book or waiting for it to come in?? May I suggest listening to it on Mary Graham's Living Witnesses Podcast !! Today I am revisiting my contribution to the 33 Day Marian Consecration Retreat from last week on - Renewing Our Baptismal Promises... DAILY!!   Read My Reflection Here... All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2015

Pope Francis: Forgiveness in the Family

Pope Francis opened his Nov. 4th Wednesday General Address by spotlighting real families who witness daily to the great gift of marriage and family. Essential Christian families revitalize modern life by living out the humanizing values of the Gospel. In fact, when Christian families practice forgiveness in their homes, their actions have a ripple effect, reconstituting the social fabric of the larger society because families are the building blocks of society. The pope stressed family life is a training ground for mutual forgiveness. continue reading

Praying for our Children

From the moment we realize a baby is growing in our body, and all through that child’s life, we need to pray for our little ones. Even as adults, our children continue to need our prayers. Praying fervently for them doesn’t always mean they will always make the best choices in life. St. Monica prayed for her son for 30 years. He embraced many of the popular heresies of the day with no repentance. Augustine lived with a woman outside of marriage, and, together, they had a child. St. Monica refused to give up. She prayed persistently. Eventually, St. Augustine became Catholic and one of the greatest saints in our Church. He is, also, a Doctor of the Church.  Read More at Prayerfully Yours