
Anyone for Tennis?

I was incensed when an American commentator said the English are not really interested in tennis, they're just mad on Wimbledon. But when I thought about it I had to admit that there was more than a grain of truth in what she said. I could name at least half a dozen people who plan their holidays to coincide with Wimbledon fortnight. Even if they don't go in person, they spend hours glued to the box like me. I always find that Wimbledon is something of a spiritual experience. Of course I don't watch for that reason, I watch because I enjoy the matches, but every year the dedication of the players to what matters most to them makes me compare unfavourably my own dedication to what should matter most to me. It's the quality of their single-mindedness that always impresses me.   read on...

The not so sweet "good death"

In the first world countries the so-called achievement in medicine of the good death now sees its dark side. With the Mirage to avoid unbearable suffering to terminally ill, countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium modified 15 years their health and legal structures to help the dying. But this form of assistance has proved to be a trap for many seniors, disabled and mentally ill of these prosperous countries. At that time, the Catholic faith warned about the effects to our individualistic world that ignores the other so easily. spanish version on:

Your Cloister, the City Streets

from The Cloistered Heart

Temperance, Catholic Style

(From O. Herford, via Life Magazine/Wikipedia, used w/o permission.) ("Life" magazine, Demon Rum, and Matthew 12:45 : June 26, 1919.) My household is "dry:" there's no beer in the fridge, wine in a rack, or whiskey on a shelf. That's partly because I drank too much, which was a very bad idea. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2290 ) After that experience, I could get cherophobia and virtue confused — but I won't. Cherophobia, aversion to happiness ; and hedonophobia , fear of pleasure; are real words. But "blessed are the miserable, for they shall spread misery" is not in the Beatitudes. 1 ... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

As the Morning Rising: The Good Samaritan

As the Morning Rising: The Good Samaritan : My mother often told us her version of the story of the good Samaritan. She and her five siblings lived in very modest property along...

Just Who Are the Laborers?

Jesus’ exhortation in Sunday’s Gospel “ask the Master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest” usually is interpreted to mean pray for more priests, deacons, and women and men religious. But look at the context of his words. Jesus is sending out seventy-two disciples. None of these followers are priests or consecrated religious and probably most of them won’t be. Every person who believes in Jesus is called to labor for his cause. By our baptism we all assume the responsibility to spread the good news of salvation and bring others to Christ. For too long the duties of the laity were limited to praying, paying, and obeying. We’ve forgotten that all Christians are also to be relaying. We are to continue the work of Jesus and tell people about the kingdom of God. A friend who went to Catholic school with me became a Jehovah’s Witness after two of them appeared at her door and spoke with her. Personal contact makes all the difference in the world! www.kathleengla

All Lives Matter

(From BBC News, used w/o permission.) ...I was quite upset about the incident when I heard about it on radio news the next day. Philando Castile had apparently done exactly what he should have done: followed instructions of the police officer.... ...Later Thursday, I heard and read that someone had started shooting police officers at a demonstration in Dallas, Texas. So far, six people are dead as a result of that incident: five police officers, and the person who apparently killed them. Seven officers and two civilians are still alive, but injured. I was quite upset about that, too.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

'Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”' Sunday Reflections, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

The Good Samaritan (after Delacroix) , Van Gogh, May 1890 Gospel Luke 10:25-37 NRSV Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while traveling came near

Catholics Must Encounter Jesus Christ

When Catholics venture beyond the walls of their parish church into the marketplace to evangelize, it is important that they remember the spiritual life cannot simply be taught to the unchurched because human persuasion alone will not convert anyone. Disciples of the living God are called to reveal His tangible Presence to those who are searching for salvation. When the Spirit of Christ flows through Christians who are His vessels to those who are hungry and seeking God, God is able to catch them in the net of His love. An Experiential Faith Christianity is above all an experiential faith, a living relationship with Christ. A Christian is not a person who merely accumulates intellectual knowledge about God nor simply fulfills tradition and the letter of the law. Pope Benedict and Pope Francis have repeatedly emphasized that Christianity is an encounter with Jesus. Many people perceive Christianity as something institutional — rather than as an encounter with Christ — which expla


Why does God allow suffering? Is it a punishment for our sins? Or a repayment for what He has done for us? PLEASE CLICK HERE

Spend Time This Summer With A Time-Travelling Priest

This summer the best vacation you take might well be with Fr. Driscoll's time-traveling priest!   Fr. Mike Driscoll is best known for his non-fiction work Demons, Deliverance and Discernment (published by Catholic Answers) but whose passion for the supernatural is found in his fiction book The Father Capranica Mysteries: Stories of the Strange and Supernatural .   Called by Catholic Library World as "well-written and compelling," The Father Capranica Mysteries  is excellent summer reading with each short story an entry into the strange and supernatural!        

The Flowers Kept Blooming

The World kept turning, even though the internet provider was down from 10:30 AM to 5:45 PM! This was a life changing day. I stewed and fussed. I called the company twice wondering how much longer it would be before we’d restored. No internet. What a day! There was no internet, but there was God. He was there, but I forgot about Him. Prayer? I didn’t pray. There was no internet! I stewed and fussed. I had no patience. Where was my internet, not where was my God? Read More at Prayerfully Yours

TRUE Death with Dignity

My brother-in-law passed away on June 27--at home, peacefully, with his wife and two other loved ones by his side and the local parish priest (who'd just administered Last Rites) singing softly in his ear.  He had recently converted to Catholicism and received First Holy Communion just before the cancer that had ravaged his body made it impossible for him to swallow solid food. Shortly before he left this world, I wrote about how he was teaching all of us how to face death with courage, grace, and true dignity.  If you'd like to read that full String of Pearls post, click here .

With Lyrics March forLife / March for Christ By: MaryannDAmico

One million Christians will March on the Mall in Washington, D.C. on July 16, 2016. Please support Christians in this effort. The Christian persecution was it's deadliest in 2015 in the history of Christianity. I composed this and recorded this song twenty years ago for the March for Life. But, it's relevance for the March for Christ on Washington, D.C. is great! I dedicate this video and song to the cause of Together 2016 and the million Christians who will take Couraage and take a stand for Christ! In loving memory of the 7,000 Christians who died for the faith of Christ Information on the historic event in Washington D'C. : Together 2016 /Reset 2016

As the Morning Rising: God Loves Me

As the Morning Rising: God Loves Me : This is true for me. I hope it is true for you. I am not afraid to talk to God, day or night. I believe He is pre...

Saint Maria Goretti: Her Influence on Me

I noticed a profound difference in myself since venerating the relics of Saint Maria Goretti last October (2015). Her relics visited my parish in Charlotte, NC as part of a national tour. As part of the veneration process, I took the time to learn more about this saint, of whose Feast Day we celebrate today. She is the saint associated with the virtues of forgiveness and mercy . As a result of my visit with her relics, Saint Maria Goretti left a lasting impact on me. Since last October, I seem to more easily identify my sins of omission; for example, when I fail to put God first in my life; or when I fail to... Read more...  

The Stations of the Cross

I came across the Stations of the Cross at  Presence Resurrection Retirement Community  quite by accident one Sunday morning.  My husband is the choir director for the 9 AM Mass.  Though I had attended with him several times, I never knew about the beautiful garden and Stations. You can read the rest of the article and view the photo gallery at Being Catholic ... Really .

Liquid Sunshine

Light always Dispels Darkness Darkness is simply Absence of Light. I cling to the words of St. Francis of Assisi, ” Äll the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” continue reading 

As the Morning Rising: Biblical Characters

As the Morning Rising: Biblical Characters : Famine Memorial Custom House Quay Dublin If you really feel a burning desire to encounter Jesus but are unsure as to how to go about ...

As the Morning Rising: Outsiders Looking In

As the Morning Rising: Outsiders Looking In : Outsiders looking in Moving - not on, not away,   But deeper into that   Which totally embraces and sustains.