
Happy Halloween!

Showing this picture to a few online groups, I learned that Halloween , our version, is a somewhat "American" holiday. Today is also the feast day of St. Wolfgang of Regensberg , AKA The Almoner. He had a good reason for throwing his ax into a thicket, and that's another topic.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Meat in the Gravy; A Tasty Correlation to Life (Recipe Included)

I have this recipe that I like to make at this time of year. We call it Meat in the Gravy .  It is a recipe that my husband got from a friend’s father back in the 1970’s and it’s been a favorite of our family for decades! As I contemplated making it recently, I drew a correlation of Meat in the Gravy to that of life. Those meaty chunks represent those big moments in our lives: the births, graduations, weddings, etc. The seasonings and spices represent the flavor of the stew, but are also those occasions that added spice to our lives: that special kiss, the memorable family vacation, the romantic dinner at our favorite restaurant. And then there is the gravy; that soupy mess that... Read more...

Souls in the Street

'I would like us, in our meditation today, to make up our minds once and for all that we need to aspire to become contemplative souls, in the street, in the midst of our work... (continue)

Authority, Superstition, Progress

(From Diliff, via Wikimedia Commons, used w/o permission.) Authority, superstition, and misapplied technophilia (it's a real word ) rate at least one post each: but that'll wait until another day. Days. This time I'll take a quick look at all three, and then say why I don't believe in Progress with a capital P — and don't yearn for the 'good old days.' More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

As the Morning Rising: In My Father's House

As the Morning Rising: In My Father's House : In My Father’s House In the early years of our marriage we lived for several years in a small semi which we eventually out-grew. Th...

Holloween celebration is horrible! Some tips to sanctify it.

This expression is heard among many people who consider this event as something Satanic, Pagan, or reprehensible. Actually the origin of Halloween comes the Druids and Celts who thought that the dead stood that day and if they did not have food for them they would inflict terrible punishments and very violent rites over the living. From there the phrase "Treat or Trick" used in the United States, was born. In Mexico it has been copied as a celebration for children without greater risk or scope than those who know the subject thoroughly and paralel to the local   visit to the graveyards on the day of the departed and the celebration of All Saints. I share with you some suggestions of father Francisco González Frich, L.C to live this celebration in a sanctifying way as catholics:}  

Catch up on my past posts on Being Catholic ... Really, and

I've been busy writing, so I hope you'll take the time to read some past posts from my home web site, Being Catholic ... Really My post, "I wanted to spend this summer as if it was my last," won best photo gallery in September, so I'm very proud of that one.  There's a variety of posts about a lot of different topics including politics and the adoption of two members of our family , just to single out a few. There's also a book review of Colleen C. Mitchell's book, "Who Does He Say You Are?    This is a wonderful book that's perfect to leave out when you want to just concentrate on one particular chapter.  I loved Colleen's insights into the twelve women of the Bible.  "The woman crippled by a demon" really spoke to me and you can find that article on . I also write for  so if you're not too sick of my ramblings, I hope you'll stop by there, too. I must admit, since quitting my jo

Our Biggest Delusion is Rooted in Our Ego

I am living in a fantastical delusion when I see myself as the center of the universe, viewing everything as it circles around me.  As believers, we sing and recite prayers that proclaim that God is the centre of all, but our psychological make-up screams the exact opposite. I view people, events, history and yes even God through my eyes, judging what is right, trusting my thoughts and my feelings as the final judge of what is real.  When Jesus says that we must die to ourselves, He is not speaking about some pious self-sacrifice that makes us look holy, no He has something much more radical in mind. The kind of inner transformation  Jesus wants to literally rip the rug up from under our feet and shatter our delusions, our world view. read more

Right-Handedness and Evolving Jaws

At least one Homo habilis was right-handed, about 1,800,000 years ago. It's the earliest evidence of handedness in humanity's history. So far. Our jaws may have started out as armor plate, not gill arches. Paleontologists found a second Silurian placoderm species with surprisingly familiar jaws.... ...Before talking about Homo habilis, and new evidence showing how jaws evolved, I'll do my usual explanation for why science doesn't upset me.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

The Saints Speak About Love

What is really essential, what is the most important thing for us to focus on during our life on earth? The saints all seem to agree that it is love. Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing stronger or higher or wider; nothing is more pleasant, nothing fuller, and nothing better in heaven or on earth, for love is born of God and cannot rest except in God, Who is above all created things. -Imitation of Christ, Thomas A Kempis continue reading 

St Francis of Assisi - Part 3 - The Hermit

After the party when St Francis had a brief mystical experience, he began to visit churches and places of solitude where he could prayer. Firstly he went with a friend, and then on his own. He was tempted to believe that all his exertions were a waste of time. Then one day everything changed. Whenever he had met lepers in the past he would always give them whatever help he could, but, as he couldn’t face them in person, he had sent others to give them alms. That day everything changed. When he was out riding in the valley of Spoleto he came face to face with a leper who he couldn’t avoid. This time he didn’t spur his horse and gallop away, but leapt from his saddle, not just to give him alms, but to kiss him on the mouth. Then he did the same for the inmates of the local leprosarium, while begging their forgiveness for his cowardly behaviour towards them in the past. His attitude to the poor was changing too. Long before he became aware of a specifically religious calling he had alwa

Autumn Winds; Hearts Afire - Is Your Heart Afire for Christ?

I love this time of year, when the leaves turn from green to magnificent hues of gold, orange and red; when the air turns crisp; and the holidays beckon. It’s my favorite time of year! For me, this is the last autumn of my life, as I turn 60 in March, and will enter the winter of my life. Time is short, and every seasonal change reminds me that my time on earth is limited. As the seasons change, I take of stock of what I have accomplished and where I have fallen short; where I have excelled in virtue and where I could have done better. Autumn Winds; Hearts Afire As I celebrate this last autumn of my life, my heart is afire for Christ. Having left Corporate America, and the stress that went with it, I now work for Christ. Jesus is the best boss ever! The monetary salary is nothing to write home about, but the serenity, joy, and peace is priceless! My job also comes with increased trust, faith, patience and perseverance! Bottom line is that when... Read more...  

Mary, Model of Mercy

We learn from and are inspired by other people. Olympians, movie stars, and sports figures often credit an older person who was a model for them. An African proverb is “No one sits by the fire without getting warmed.” Mary, the Mother of Jesus, serves as an excellent model of mercy for us. No doubt, she taught Jesus ways to be a merciful little boy, a merciful neighbor, and a merciful cousin. On e wonders how she could ever forgive Herod, who tried to murder her Son; the neighbors and relatives who tried to throw him off a cliff; and the people who called him crazy and possessed. How could she forgive the apostles who deserted Jesus on Calvary? Yet, we find her among the them on Pentecost, praying. We call the Blessed Virgin the Mother of Mercy; she had a heart large enough to forgive and loving enough to help those in need. Let’s reflect on a few events in her life that demonstrate this.  Click to continue

Arrogance or Humility, Defeat or Moving On After Divorce

It's easy to cast fingers in divorce. Society claims there are two sides to every story. It claims that no one is innocent in Marriage. Even friends and family repeat harmful phrases about everyone deserving to be happy. What ma kes those phrases so wrong? There is truth in each of them after all. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. Mistakes one spouse makes must help drive the other away, right? We assume that if someone we love isn't happy, it can't possibly be their brokenness. A spouse must have driven them to unhappiness. These quiet, unspoken, implied accusations damage society, tempt foolish, self-focused spouses, and deeply harm innocent spouses. Despite beliefs many had as a naive young brides, we now realize all too well that there is often an innocent spouse in divorce. To read the rest of the post, please join me at . Thank you for joining me and for liking and sharing my work. God Bless...

As the Morning Rising: October

As the Morning Rising: October : Thank you, nature, for reminding me that it is still October, the month of the rosary.

Wifely Submission and What God Has Shown Me

Three weeks is all I have left until my hubby comes home. My husband has been away at Police Academy for 8 months. He comes home on the weekends but with school being three hours away, he’s home for a day before he leaves again. It is like he is coming and going and going and coming as quickly as he came. This experience has touched my heart in so many ways. I have learned so much.  I now appreciate my husband and the role God has place in him for our marriage. I have also have had the blessing to understand and appreciate my place in this marriage as well. God has truly touch both of our hearts. I guess this brings me to my actual story. I have only come back to my faith about a year and a half ago at this point. I have learned so much and I have been happier than I have ever been and I know that it is because of my faith. This has only increased my faith. I am truly amazed everyday for the wonderful blessings that God has placed in my life. Click Here To Continue.

Doors of Mercy; Journey Through Salvation History - Book Review

Father Jeffrey Kirby, STL, does a fantastic job of describing God’s limitless mercy in Doors of Mercy; A Journey Through Salvation History . Father Kirby tells us of the six covenants made between God and man, and how in every instance man was unfaithful to God. Yet, through God’s mercy, we were evermore blessed. Father Kirby walks us through the covenants made between God and Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and ultimately though the New Covenant, Jesus. He tells us of the importance of the Prophets and the Church in God’s plan for salvation; a salvation brimming with Mercy. He gives special attention to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska who experienced visions from Jesus teaching her about His mercy. Divine Mercy Message I especially enjoyed Father’s Kirby chapter devoted to the life of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, and her Divine Mercy Message and Devotion. In addition to the dedicated chapter on Saint Maria Faustina, Father Kirby provides... Read more...

As the Morning Rising: Arranging the Flowers

As the Morning Rising: Arranging the Flowers : Arranging the Flowers The softest of prayers were shared As flower heads passed through hands like beads, They counted out th...

1,000 Darts

'As soon as worldly people see that you wish to follow a devout life, they aim a thousand darts of mockery and even detraction at you. The most malicious of them will slander your conversion as hypocrisy, bigotry, and trickery. They will say...' (click to continue)

The Virtue Trap

I generally identify with the tax collector in today's Gospel reading: Luke 18:9 - 14 . That's okay, since emulating "those who were convinced of their own righteousness," despising everyone else, is a bad idea. The problem wasn't what the Pharisee was doing. Fasting, within reason, is a good idea. It can be part of penance. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1434 , 1438 , 2043 ) Along with tithing , it's part of being a Catholic. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Celebrating St. John Paul II The Great

Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.   As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. There is nothing more man needs than Divine Mercy – that love which is benevolent, which is compassionate, which raises man above his weakness to the infinite heights to the holiness of God.     St. Pope St. John Paul ll The future starts today, not tomorrow. Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn’t misuse it. continue reading

Two extremely different ways to improve life for families: ONU way vs Christian way (Spanish) Formas contrastantes de mejorar la vida de las personas

En este día de la madre hemos encontrado buenas noticias envueltas para regalo para las madres del mundo. Estas vienen, por un lado desde la ONU donde recientemente se dieron a conocer los “Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para el 2030”, y el otro la “Exhortación Apostólica Amoris Laetitia” del Papa Francisco y la Iglesia Católica. Dos documentos que tratan, en su propia zona de acción, de impulsar a los hombres a construir un mundo mejor. ¿Qué madre no quiere lo mejor para sus hijos y trabaja por ello todos los días? Estos dos documentos tratan de atacar los males que afectan a tantas personas y de lograr mejores condiciones para las futuras generaciones, de las que tanto se preocupan todas las madres, pero lo hacen de modos totalmente diferentes y, a veces, hasta contrastantes.

As the Morning Rising: Creation Celebration

As the Morning Rising: Creation Celebration

Grace in a graceless season: notes from a Catholic in politics

Spare a moment and a prayer for the political types, please and thank you. I’m one of them. The bitter election-year exchanges on every platform are part of my daily life. Whether on television on online, shutting them down altogether is not an option, appealing though it may be. Politics is part of my vocation. Times like these, I’m tempted to wish it were otherwise. This is a plague-on-both-your-houses year, looking at the major parties’ candidates for president. I am reading  C.S. Lewis’s   Mere Christianity  this month, and something he wrote in there captures my attitude. I feel a strong desire to tell you – and I expect you feel a strong desire to tell me – which of these two errors is the worse. That is the devil getting at us. He always sends errors into the world in pairs – pairs of opposites. And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is the worse. You see why, of course? He relies on your extra dislike of the one error to draw you gradually

Sweet Potatoes, Genes, and Long Life

One woman decided to take a road trip after learning she had a terminal illness. Another switched careers. Both choices make sense, given the circumstances. This year's World Food Prize goes to a team who developed a new sweet potato, scientists found a virus with spider genes, and there's a lively difference of opinion regarding human life span. We've learned a lot since my youth, and there's a great deal left to learn. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

“Day by Day”Was Written By An Obscure Saint

Do you remember this song, Day by Day in the Broadway play “GodSpell”? Well, it is based on a prayer from the 13th century by  St. Richard of Chichester   Thanks be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits Thou hast given me, for all the pains and insults which Thou hast borne for me. O most merciful Redeemer, Friend, and Brother, may I know Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly, day by day.  Amen continue

As the Morning Rising: Light Within

As the Morning Rising: Light Within : Sometimes the inferno of a setting sun when reflected on western-facing window panes suggests that the space within is lit internally. ...

Mourning for my Maker

My family used to spend their summer holidays in our little cottage on the Yorkshire moors just below the mighty Ingleborough, which was the nearest thing I had ever seen to a mountain. I loved to watch and listen to the moorland birds. My favourite of all was the kestrel.  Kestrels were comparatively rare in those days, at least to a townie like me, so I watched it for hours hunting in the heather. I loved the peat moorland and the majestic Ingleborough towering over our little cottage. No other landscape has affected me more deeply, perhaps because it was my first love, and there’s always something special about your first love.     read on...

As the Morning Rising: God's Presence

As the Morning Rising: God's Presence : Being in God's presence is more than companionship, for in God our bodies as well as our minds and hearts and souls find rest We are...

CCD Week 4

So I was out for week 3 hence why it goes from 2 to 4. I swear I can count! After being gone for a week my kids were super jumpy. The week I was gone the kids were in with the third grade class, so I have no idea what they did. They told me but all at once and at 100 mph! So get out a lot of this energy we did our opening prayer. The kids really like saying the Our Father Prayer and so I let them run with it. After our opening prayer I lined everyone up on the side of the room. I began exuding people and switching them to spots all over the room. Trust me they needed the run. When then continued to exclude people by the following: Shirts Shoes Colors Jackets Then my favorite part comes where I make my kids think! What I love most about these open ended questions is that my kids really put their thinking caps on. Click here to continue for "Think Questions" and Activity!