
'Cor ad cor loquitur - Heart speaks to heart.' Sunday Reflections, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Moses , Michelangelo  [ Web Gallery of Art ] (First Reading,  Exodus 17:8-13 ) Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel   Luke 18:1-8 ( New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition, Canada)     Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.  He said, ‘In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people.  In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and saying, “Grant me justice against my opponent.”  For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, “Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone,  yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.”’   And the Lord said, ‘Listen to what the unjust judge says.  And will not God grant justic

How Are We Saved? (OGW – 7, Letter to the Romans, Chapter 3)

In today’s episode of Opening God’s Word we jump right into the debate about whether we are saved by faith or the law! We only have a couple of minutes, so let’s simplify it.   Tune in to see how we can take a challenging topic, and through the words of Paul in the Letter to the Romans, Chapter 3, cut to the basics. You will not want to miss this!   Be sure to open up your bible, or go online and look closely at this chapter. I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word! Janet Cassidy Email:

Just a Little Complaint (CC, 024)

I don't like to complain, BUT, what's up with exercising that doesn't move the dial on the scales?  Surely my walking is making SOME difference, right? Today on Cassidy Comments I talk about doing good, even when you don't see the results. I suggest that you find what it is that you are being called to do, and try your best to do it.  Don’t let the apparent littleness of it stop you.  Don’t let the naysayers discourage you.  Don’t let that little voice in your head convince you it is not worth doing.  Don’t weigh its value against how big a wave it makes today. I hope today's episode will get you thinking and inspire you to continue your good work, even if you can't see the difference it makes. Janet Cassidy Email:

The Priority of Prudence

God gives every human being an innate ability to understand right from wrong. We call that innate ability “our consciences.”  In assessing our consciences, the priority of Prudence is paramount. Why? Because Prudence impacts every decision that we make. For example, no one needs to tell you that it is wrong to kill. Innately, you just know. How? Your conscience tells you so. If you were to contemplate killing someone, you would feel a sense of uneasiness, warning bells go off in your head, and you just know in the depths of your soul that killing another human being is wrong. The question is, do we listen to the prudent guidance of our consciences? The Priority of Prudence The virtue of Prudence enables us to apply practical reason to our decision-making process, so that we can determine what is good, or bad, every time. Prudence also helps us to choose the proper means for achieving the true good and avoiding those things that go against God’s moral law. We value the priority

Where is Evidence of God? (OGW - 6, Book of Romans)

Have you ever wondered where we can find evidence of God?  My reflection today on the Book of Romans has the answer! Paul is writing to the Christians in Rome and he makes the logical argument that the world around us gives evidence of God, because "God made it evident to them!" I am so excited to talk about this passage and I hope you will be inspired to really think about this.  Maybe someone you know that is struggling with the existence of God will find it helpful as well. Be sure to share it with a friend! You can find today's podcasts, and all my podcasts at . If you are looking for Uplifting Prayers in Times of Distress, you can find these free downloadable prayers at Have a blessed day in God's Word! Janet Cassidy Email me at:

A Storyteller's Guide to a Grace-Filled Life, Vol II - Book Review

In  A Storyteller’s Guide to a Graced-Filled Life – Vol. II , by Tony Agnesi, we get to read 43 additional stories that couldn’t fit into Vol I. As with Vol I, Agnesi’s stories in Vol II make you laugh, cry and leave you wanting more! There is a special spot in my heart for the story,  Keith , about a young homeless man, who Agnesi befriended. One day, Tony asked Keith about his goals. Keith told Tony that he had three goals, 1) to find a job, 2) to find housing, and 3) to become Catholic. Well, it was that last goal that tugged at my heart. It would for any Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Coordinator, of which I am one for my parish. This beautiful story ends with us learning that Keith met all his goals. This story made me cry tears of joy! Then there is the story titled,  Catholics Come in Many Flavors . In this story, Agnesi describes a multitude of different types of Catholics. You know them. For example, the... Read more...

What Are YOU Covering UP? (Podcast, CC023)

Let's talk about that clutter! Do you have closets, or a garage, or even a basement full of STUFF?  What is it doing to your peace of mind, and WHY aren't you doing anything about it? Often the massive overflow filling up our homes can become a burden, one that stands between us and God!  How is that possible?  What's the connection? Why is simplicity important? Listen in as I talk about my bookcases and how I approached them when I realized they were becoming overstuffed.  Let's talk about what you may be covering up when you can't let go of things. There may be a few reasons you haven't considered, as to why you are so attached. Please share this podcast with a friend if you think they might find it helpful! Janet Cassidy Email:

How Can I Grow Clsoer to God?

Most of the time when I walk, I listen to my music, but lately I have been “branching out” and looking for Catholic podcasts to listen to. Today I came across one that I used to listen to all the time – Discerning Hearts . They consider themselves a “spiritual stop for those who travel on the digital sea.” And that is exactly what they are.   I have found their content and interviews to always have something informative and interesting. Today I listed to an interview on contemplation with Fr. Donald Haggerty who was talking about his book, Contemplative Hunger.   He has solid credits to his name, which include being a long time spiritual director for Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. Anyway, I wanted to refer you to this podcast because he discusses the importance of prayer and specifically identifies what one Abbott of a monastery required of his monks to do daily, which led to his entire monastery becoming a truly contemplative place. You see, in any religious

Do You Have Zeal for Christ?

Do you have zeal for Christ? Let’s find out! Do you express a sense of enthusiasm, coupled with intense interest and passion for God and your faith? Do you place God and your faith above all else? Is it within your nature to do big things in the name of Christ? When you see a need, do you do all that you can to fill that need for others? Do You Have Zeal for Christ? If you can answer “yes” to the questions above, then you are zealous for Christ. If not, then there is some work to do, if you want to master the virtue of Zeal. To gain more enthusiasm and passion for God and your faith, spend time learning about your faith. A good place to start is with your parish’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) sessions. It is here that your fellow parishioners teach the faith to those wishing to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. Fellow parishioners are always welcomed to join in and participate. And while there, you will learn more than a thing or two

'Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Sunday Reflections, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Peasant Girls with Brushwood ,  Jean-François Millet  [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa)  Gospel   Luke 17:11-19 ( New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition, Canada)     On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee.  As he entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance,  they called out, saying, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’  When he saw them, he said to them, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were made clean.  Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice.  He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan.    Then Jesus asked, ‘Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they?  Was none of the

World's standars makes us suffer. (Spanish) Las exigencias del Mundo nos aplastan.

Por Blanca Suárez

Podcast, OGW-4 and Blog post - The Sunflowers

Today we get to listen to a conversation between Jesus and a scholar.  The scholar is steeped in Mosaic law, but he asks Jesus what he must do to have eternal life. Jesus turns the question back to him.  Tune in to find out how their discussion ends and what it means for us today. You can find the latest episode of Opening God's Word here . Have a blessed day in God's Word! ***** The Sunflowers We had three plants sprout in our front garden that we did not plant.   We weren’t even sure what they were until they matured.   To our great surprise, what emerged were several, beautiful, bright sunflowers. I was thinking about these after listening to a podcast about St. Francis of Assisi.   They were talking about the beauty of a garden and that got me to thinking about the importance of the silent witness to God that comes out of beauty in nature. Just by being itself, flowers add interest and texture to our world.   They don’t have to do anythin

Champions of the Rosary - Book Review

It’s one thing to “say” the Rosary. It’s quite another thing to “know” the Rosary. In  Champions of the Rosary , by Donald H. Calloway, MIC, we not only learn how to “say” the Rosary, but we also learn of its history, as well as of those greats who came before us who championed the recitation of the Rosary. Most importantly, Fr. Calloway communicates to us WHY we should say the Rosary. The Rosary is a spiritual weapon, a heavenly sword, fashioned by the hands of the Divine Craftsman .  1 Fr. Calloway takes great pains to explain that the Rosary is a gift from God, given to St. Dominic via a visitation from the Blessed Mother. It is God, Himself, who designed the Rosary. It would take centuries to make the weapon, but, once completed, it would have the power to slay the malicious dragon since it would be equipped with the only thing capable of defeating him – the saving mysteries of the God Man.   2 Fr. Calloway teaches us that it is the faithful’s recitation of the Rosary th

What Must You Do? (Podcast, OGW - 4)

In today’s reflection we are encouraged by Paul in his Second Letter to Timothy (Chapter 1, Verse 6ff) to “stir into flame” the gift that God has given us. Before we can do that, there is one very important, foundational thing we must do. Are you prepared? Do you know what you must do first? Maybe you don’t feel you know enough to talk about God with others.  Maybe you are afraid you will end up in a debate or an argument. If so, you will want to know what must take place first so that you will be ready. I invite you to share this podcast with a friend and let it open up a discussion!  Have a blessed day in God’s Word. Janet Cassidy Email:

Our Telephone Connection

My mom was one of those people that answered the phone by saying “Yallow.”   She was saying “hello” but it sounded like yallow.   Do you know what I mean? And when she pronounced “tiger” she always said “Tayger.” It’s sort of like when people say “warsh” instead of “wash,” but not exactly. I had a friend years ago that talked like her mom.   They weren’t of any specific ethnicity, but they had a certain intonation to their words that made it almost sound like they had an accent, even though they didn’t. I guess it was just a unique family vocal inheritance. Anyway, I was thinking about these things as I was thinking about the telephone.   As many of you already know, after you have lost a loved one, when the phone rings, your first thought/hope is that it might be them. In a split second, you realize it’s not. My mom and I had a real connection on the telephone, until we didn’t. It was wonderful when she lived at home and we talked almost daily about ev


“I am the Bread of Life” by Mike Moyers As I was sitting in Church this morning, my eyes happened to fix on the Tabernacle. Inside that little golden box was my Lord. As I sat in front of Him, I couldn’t help but notice how quiet it was... how I was the only one left in the Church. How is it that my Lord should come to me? My thoughts sounded like an echo of St. Elizabeth, greeting the Mother of our Lord. The only difference is that St. Elizabeth must have been a much holier woman than myself. Much holier than this sinner who would probably not be able to muster up the courage to go to His Majesty in full glory. So, He comes to me. Little. Hidden. Quiet. I smile at the paradox. All my Christian life, I have been told to decrease so He can increase. At this moment, all I can see is how He has decreased so I can increase. King to Bread. So I can become a sinner to a Saint. Thank you Jesus. Humble Lyrics by Audrey Assad Humb