Ghosts, Psychics and Demons

A demons whole job is to trick you. There whole existence is to deceive you into breaking the law of God and being with them in all eternity in Hell and Damnation. We, as children of God need to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." As such we must ALWAYS be on the lookout for the demons deceptions, for the evil one never sleeps. When we die, there is the judgement. We are taken before the throne of God and our life is presented to our Lord, our good and our bad. And as we have served in life, so shall we serve after death. For God is always good, and out of His love for us He will give us our hearts desires, so if our heart is evil then hell and the devil shall be our reward. And if our hearts desire has been God and His goodness in our life, Our God, the Creator of the Universe shall be our reward. For eye has not seen nor the mind perceived what God has in store for those that truly love Him. There ...